Black Budget: Interview With Catherine Austin Fitts

BLACK BUDGET: An Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts



(see below for partial transcript)


(This is the corrected version of the video) – AN INTERVIEW WITH Catherine Austin Fitts, the Founder and President of Solari. She served as Managing Director and Member of the Board of Directors of the Wall Street investment bank, Dillon, Read & Co., Inc. She also served as Assistant Secretary of Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner at HUD in the first Bush Administration and was the President and Founder of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc.
See Catherine’s website:

Shot at the Secret Space Program Conference, June, 2014


Project Camelot Interview with Catherine Austin Fitts – June 2014

Founder and President of Solari

Served as Managing Director and member of the Board of Directors of the Wall Street investment bank, Dillon, Read & Co. Inc.

Served as Asst. Secretary of Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner at HUD in the first Bush Admin.

President and founder of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc.

She ran into conflict with the government over developing software to show the transparency of federal government spending on a neighborhood by neighborhood bases. ‘Black budget’ supporters were against transparency.

She’s a specialist on financial fraud, but not the Secret Space Program.

She was interviewed by Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot at the June 2014 Conference on the Secret Space Program.

Fitts:  I’ve seen lots of Project Camelot interviews. I like the one with Norm Bergrun.

Kerry: It’s one of the most important interviews we’ve done. He’s now disappeared.


She begins the interview with a story about a mortgage banker who brought her a copy of his database of all FHA mortgages since the program started (in the 1930s). He said that he had just looked at the financial statement that HUD had published and that there is a serious problem because the government says that in the mortgage funds,there is US$400 billion of outstanding mortgage insurance, but actually it is many multiples of that.

Fitts thought he was nuts because if it were the case, then the NY Fed, the Dept. of the Treasury, the Dept. of Justice and the Federal Board of Governors are all engaged with the FHA in massive securities fraud – trillions of dollars.

She refused the database and passed the guy off as nuts.

Then after she had left the government and got into litigation with them over their stealing her software (she won the case), she started to go back over all her experiences and discovered that the guy was right.  So she asked herself “How could that happen and me not know?” She concluded that that was why they wanted to use Promis software – to allow them to get all government departments to participate in the ‘fraud’ without knowing and expand it (with derivatives and highly sophisticated methods).

Kerry: How did your software figure in to Promis software?

Fitts: All of this fraud can happen because the financial system within a place is disassociated from that place.

Here’s an example:

If you asked for a list of foreclosed properties in a certain congressional district, you might get a list that shows ten properties in a place, but when you physically go there, it’s a vacant lot.

Now, there is no reason you couldn’t have a financial statement for your congressional district to hold your congressman responsible for the financial management of the government.

The reason you don’t get this is because you’re given a financial disclosure that is completely disassociated for what you walk around in and see everyday.

When I was Asst. Sec., I ordered Place-Space Financial Statement (sp ?) be made and suddenly I’m out and the project is canceled.

So I said, fine, I’ll do it privately because most of the data that goes into the accounts is suppose to be public. So I said that we’ll collect up all the data and now that we have GIS software, we can create this wonderful thing we could put up on the web.  We wanted to align the financial system with people and the environment.

Then all kinds of crazy things started to happen.  I had a very successful partner from Wall Street who flew down in 1996. He began to yell about how corrupt the government was and I said, look, it’s not hopeless at all.  I said, “Where do you live?” and he said “Bronxville, NY” (a suburb of NYC about 15 miles from Manhattan), so we pulled up all the data on Bronxville.  I started to go through it and the first item was US$4 million for flood insurance and Luiz starts screaming in Spanish and I ask him what the problem is.  He says that Bronxville is on a hill and there are no floods in Bronxville. The insurance programs have a lot of the Black Budget fraud.

We were due diligencing the foreclosure properties and we’d regularly find neighborhoods where you could buy and rehab single family property in the FHA inventory when the public housing guys were spending US$250,000/unit in the same neighborhood to build or construct new public housing.

So I went over to the public housing team and took one of them out to dinner.  I said, “We could build 4 or 5 homes for the price of one if we just reallocate the money by place – place-based optimization.”

And she said, “But how would we generate fees for our friends?”

During the bailouts we heard figures like US$27 trillion of bailouts. Well I think at that time US$8 trillion would have paid off all the mortgages in the country.

Comment:  LaRouche tried to save Americans underwater on mortgages by having the Gov’t help them by allocating some money for homeowners but very little was.  Pictured is Rothschild Bankster who created Israel and Controls most of our Press, Warmonger Congress, Etc.

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