TRUE HISTORY OF JAPAN’s Real Role During WW2 and No We Didn’t Have to Incinerate Them to End the War…All LIES!



POWERFUL “CRASH COURSE” INTRO TO WW 2 IN ASIA 159 pages / Large Print / 160 Illustrations / 8.5 x 11 (approx a 3-hour easy read) *

In East Asia, the 100-year prelude to the momentous events of the 1930s & 40s was as intriguing as the conspiratorial machination taking place in Europe and the US during the 19th century. After Pearl Harbor, the good people of Japan would endure immense suffering, death and destruction. But was the US-UK-China War Against Japan really a justifiable effort? Was Japan really at fault?
The big lie of World War II – referred to as The Greater East Asia War by Imperial Japan — has left a nasty “dirt stain” upon the good name of this ancient nation with such an impressive cultural past. The inimitable Mike King’s irrefutable, fast-paced and very understandable book, Japan’s War, sets the record straight in a manner which Fake Historians may not wish to entertain, but is true nonetheless.

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The Synagogue of Satan is all Jewish as Synagogue is a Jewish House of Worship.  It includes the British Royals which for obvious Reasons Carrington did not include as that would constitute TREASON with the Death Penalty.


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