Pop Tart Whose Songs Are Always About Choosing the Wrong Person Chooses the WORST Politician


Taylor Swift cares only about Money & Fame.  Harris will destroy the United States as planned.  Since the British Empire has a Depopulation Agenda and really doesn’t like the Average American Taxpayer nor the Poor here, Taylor Swift is on board with their policies representing them via Pushing Abortions and extreme Depopulation Candidate Kamala Harris a Crooked Empire Supporter and Enabler.  Kamala Harris is on board with WW3, Abortions/Killings of Babies, Mass Illegal Invasions which Include Rapists, Murderers, Baby Rapers and Criminally Insane.  Welcome to the Cruel World Order.  Meanwhile Taylor Swift lives in Mansions with Armed Security Guards;  the rest of us will have to fend for ourselves.  She is totally sold out and was from the beginning.  I have reason to believe Taylor Swift and her group in Hollywood were involved in the murders of two girls, Hollywood wannabes, who were found under a bridge.  The people at the top like Taylor want ZERO competition and perceived these girls as competition.  They use Mind Controlled Assassins to do their Dirty work in Hollywood and believe me Taylor Swift would have access to them.  Taylor Swift pictured in YE’s FAME video:

YE is letting us know that to be on top in the Entertainment industry you have to be bisexual and suck every private part male and female to get there as well as engage in orgies.  An insider has confirmed to me that this is true.  Most of Taylor Swift’s songs and big hits were not actually written by her but often by teams of songwriters and musicians as well as by an unknown songmeister creating big hits in the music industry for 30 years who has disappeared after involvement with Amber Heard and DiFranco.  All these celebrities are on board with using mind controlled slaves or are mind controlled slaves themselves.  Taylor Swift was born into the Cabal and was part of the Cabal to begin with through her grandmother.  The cabal like slavery;  the richer they are the more on board they are with slavery.  The CIA controls The Entertainers & Monarch Slaves & Assassins as well as the military.  For a taste of Mind Control Slavery here is a link:

Ria Pratt


vigilantcitizen.com - urlscan.ioMilitary man who guards a broken mind controlled slave.  The military is completely on board with mind controlled slavery.  Many slaves are tortured at military bases.

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