Memorial to Lyndon LaRouche Who Would Be 100 Years Old Today

The putrid scumbag, FBI Director Webster, who fabricated a case against LaRouche was a crook and criminal in other ways as well.  He agreed to keep his Mouth Shut about the U.S. government torturing a young boy into dissociation so that he could then be used as a dissociated slave MKULTRA to murder selected people by the Crime Mob Running Amerika.  For this he was promoted to director of CIA. The MKULTRA Assassin slave was only 13 years old.  This is the type of Criminality Webster approved of.  He is and was a PSYCHOPATH Without any conscience at all.  The Secret Societies Reward Traitors like Webster well for representing the British Empire Against his own people even using slaves who are 13 years old and having been tortured nearly to death as part of the inhumane CIA/Military Intelligence Monarch Programming and MKULTRA Assassin Programming.

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