David Icke Debunked: Investigative Documentary by Chris White 2010. AN ALICE BAILEY FOLLOWER???

David Icke Debunked: Investigative Documentary by Chris White 2010. AN ALICE BAILEY FOLLOWER???

A few of the things covered are:

His connections to Alice Bailey
His channeling several of Bailey’s specific “Ascended Masters” and
them being his lifelong guides.
The “Solar Logos” and “Galactic Logos”
The Seven Ray theory
The source of his galaxy-god to sun-god spiritual evolution is Bailey
The ghost of Carl Sagan
He supports “elite” worship of the sun
His new moon theory is retelling of his earlier crazy version
His moon theory is from Alice Bailey
The “Earth Spirit” or Gaia is from Alice Bailey
His support of Earth Spirit led Genocide
Atlantis and Lemuria
Hitler similarities include, Atlantis, spiritual evolution, arayans,
– Show quoted text –
the moon, hollow earth, Lemuria, contacting ascended masters, taking
drugs to increase the connection, and more.
Icke denounces Bailey and Lucius trust..and implications for him

Chapter 2
Brian Desborough, who is this guy?
Desborough’s crazy unbelievable story
Desborough is the source for a huge amount of material including the reptilians
Desborough introduces Arizona Wilder to Icke
Arizona “made to learn”
Ivan Fraser connection
Desborough writes “Alice in Wonderland”
Arizona’s “Old Ones” are really behind the NWO
Credo Mutwa
Reptilians on Youtube
Shapshifting according to Svali
Desborough’s new Jesus
Babylon supplied by Desborough
Debunking Babylon
David talks to “Jesus”
David has very conflicting views about the crucifixion
Davids claim to be “The Son of God” (actually his claim was that he IS
the second coming of Christ)
Debunking the Zeitgeist version of Jesus
Quick History
Queen of Heaven
Mother and child statues, Jesus and Mary
Dagon fish hat (pope)
Michael Talbot
The Holographic Universe
Holonomic Brain Theory
Sai Baba
The hypnotist that made the man see through his daughter.

Chapter 3
“The Guys.”
What it is
How he does it
Terrence Mckenna’s advice
Same thing with the 2012 history
Photon Belt
Demons in anthropology
Free will
Inspecting David’s testimony for clues
David preaches free will possession
Sleep Paralysis
David loses it in front of a painting
David’s infamous trip to Peru
History of that area of Peru
Ley Lines
Brazil with Ayahuasca
DMT the spirit molecule
The big question about the elves?
We are sitting ducks for the NWO
The REAL plan of the Illuminati.
Spiritual evolution
Promised utopia
ONLY out of the ashes
“Preparations until 2025”
“ Emphasis should be laid on the evolution of humanity.” – Alice Bailey
A deadly utopia for those who wont “evolve”
The paradox solution = The X factor
Alien invasion? intervention?
Religion must die
Saved from the war
The actual plan.


  • 0/2000
  • Interesting vid but does not change my attitude towards David which is favorable. As for why he is not ‘ bumped off’ – He does not criticize Israel and he believes ( or at least does not speak against) the existence of viruses. Yes he stated Covid was a scam but never interviewed the likes of Mark and Sam Bailey who show that viruses also are a scam…..believing they do, allows Big Pharma and Bill Gates to keep doing there ugly plandemic bullshit!!


  • Yes, David Icke is a PAGAN… and much of what he promotes actually were also promoted by Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey… Too many people follow pagan/occult doctrines and practices without knowing it’s paganism. It’s those who go on and on about ‘consciousness’, ‘awakening’ or ‘great awakening; [Alice Bailey wrote a book called ‘a planetary awakening’], ‘evolution’, ‘energies’, ‘vibrations’, ‘frequencies’, ‘cosmic’ this and that and so on… those who participate in ‘yoga’, ‘meditations’, tai chi’, ‘feng chui’, healing with stones, crystals, colours or music, reflexology, tarot cards, visualization techniques, breathing exercises and so much more. Our world was invaded by paganism/occult in the 60s disguised as ‘culture’, ‘spiritually’, ‘science’, ‘psychology’ and ‘healthy practices and lifestyles’. Have you ever seen the video where Icke explains his ‘awakening transformation’? Wow guys, it’s a proper demonic experience.


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