America’s MOST CRIMINAL ACT Was Premeditated Mass Murder & All Americans I have Known Supported It!

America’s Most Criminal Act: The Atomic Bombings of Japan

Japan’s bombing of military targets in Hawaii were after U.S. CRIMES against Japan of illegal sanctions threatening to shut down Japan’s entire economy and starve all Japanese which was done by U.S. & U.K. anyways.  U.S. & U.K. are the BIG BULLIES NO ONE LIKES.  Check out the BRICS DeDollarizing.  Just to let you know like Truman everyone who works with the Synagogue of Satan is SCREWED by them in the End.  Truman did not get a pension, their Assassins live homeless or in extreme poverty in the end, their Monarch slaves are mostly murdered, and the A Listers and the Politicians will be the NEXT to go down.

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