Why Ft. Detrick Bioweapons Lab Scientist Was Murdered (CIA Does Not Like MKULTRA Whistleblowers!)


IMAO CIA was testing their ADRENOCHROME Hormone on Olsen telling him he could fly.  ADRENOCHROME is the CIA’s BIGGEST SECRET!  Without Adrenochrome Slaves would not be nearly as Programmable;  A Listers cannot do their A Performances without Adrenochrome.  Britney Spears Horrible Las Vegas performance was when she did not have her ADRENOCHROME.  Lashbrook and Gottlieb were the Toxic Twins of MKULTRA and they worked together on Olsen.  Gottlieb drug dosed Olsen drugging his Cointreau and Lashbrook was with Olsen when Olsen jumped or was forced out of the window and fell to his death.  Olsen was extremely disturbed by the Torture to Death he had seen overseas run by the CIA—-Think Germany.  He didn’t want to be a part of this anymore.  Gottlieb and Lashbrook were worried he would rat them out.  Being Arrogant Psychopaths they decided they would use Olsen as their test subject dosing him with ADRENOchroME and telling him he could fly.  ADRENOCHROME works with a person’s subconscious where a person will be fed a script and believe the Script is REALITY.

CIA will murder to keep their MKULTRA-Assassin project Successes a Secret!  The CIA in control of Google have basically Shadow Banned Brutalproof.net for reporting on the Covid Plandemic and Lockdown Scams as well as reporting on MKULTRA and the CIA’s illegal Slave/Mind Control Programs.

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