The Harrassment of Brandy Vaughan Who Founded

1 year ago

Brandy Vaughan, who campaigned against pharmaceutical giant, Merck, describes the harassment she has received. She died on 7 December 2020 of ‘bi-lateral Pulmonary Thromboembolus’. Hmmm. I suppose the harassment prior to her death had nothing to do with it.

Brandy Vaughan Ex Sales Executives Merck exposed findings shocking Big Pharma Scandal vaccines injuries .. amazing info.

Brandy Vaughan

Date of Birth

March 21, 1976

Date of Death

December 7, 2020

City of Death

Santa Barbara

Brandy Vaughan passed away on December 7, 2020 in Santa Barbara. Brandy is survived by her son, the love of her life. Brandy graduated from UCSB with a degree in Bio-chemistry & Political Science. She spent many years living in Europe. Brandy was a loving mother and passionate activist for natural health. She founded Learn The Risk and served as Executive Director. In this role, she traveled extensively speaking at numerous educational events, rallies, and symposiums and has been featured in various media channels.

Brandy will be remembered by her groundbreaking work for the vaccine education movement, her passion for children, animals and natural living, and her dedication to uncovering the truth and speaking out against corporate interests. She will be deeply missed by her family, loving friends, and her global community. While she left us way too soon, she lived life passionately, spending her free time with her son and friends at the beach, on the slopes, and exploring and traveling the world.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

CIA has many poisons they use to kill people.  Dr. Gottlieb of the CIA was known as the Poisoner.  I have no doubt CIA would be involved as they work for Corporations ONLY.

$10,927.00 raised from 154 contributors!

Hello and thank you for your desire to help Brandy Vaughan’s 9 year old son!

Brandy passed away on December 7th. Her son has been receiving excellent care due to the support of his wonderful friends, tutor, therapist, and temporary guardian.

While there has been a small circle of donations received by people who know Brandy’s son, the donations received thus far are, unfortunately, nowhere near what is needed during his time of transition.

Any money raised from this fundraiser would be used to cover the following:

$6,000 for February and March rent (3k due Feb 1st!) so that Brandy’s son can continue using his home.

$6,000 for Brandy’s son’s tutoring, therapist, and costs of living.

$20,000 to cover legal fees.

The remaining $8,000 sought, or any donations received over that amount, would go directly towards Brandy’s son’s future.

Please note: there is another fundraiser that has been created on Brandy’s Learn the Risk website. You will see that the purposes of that fundraiser are for a second, private autopsy, and costs affiliated with continuing Learn the Risk–that money is NOT being donated to Brandy’s son and his future.

If you would like to donate money for Brandy’s son, please do so on this fundraiser.

Huge thanks to all of you wanting to support Brandy’s son!

Special thanks to Kay Chilton for her $7,000 donation!

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