Scott Ritter Forced To Cancel Book-Signing Event, Due to Threats
Aug. 8, 2024 (EIRNS)ā€”Scott Ritter, whose passport was confiscated on June 3 on State Department orders just as he was boarding a plane for a goodwill trip to Russia, and whose house was raided and searched by the FBI and a tactical SWAT team on Wednesday, Aug. 7, announced today that he had canceled a dinner and book-signing event scheduled for Saturday, Aug.10, at the Farmers and Chef Restaurant in Poughkeepsie, New York, because of an outpouring of threats against the restaurantā€™s proprietor and employees, should Ritterā€™s book event go ahead. Making things worse, the press had made it clear that, in the wake of the FBI raid, they were preparing to turn the Aug. 10 event into a media circus, instead of the serious discussion and dialogue planned. The book that was to be discussed is Ritterā€™s newly-released book, Covering Ukraine: The Scott Ritter Interviews Through the Eyes of Ania K, which addresses the realities of the Ukraine-Russia conflict.
Ritter charged in a short video that ā€œUkrainian fascists, backed by their media hosts and the U.S. government,ā€ had effectively shut the event down. ā€œUnfortunately we live in a time when intimidation is the name of the game,ā€ he said. If people disagree with your point of view, they donā€™t come up with better ideas, or engage in dialogue or debate, instead they shut you down, yet another example of ā€œcancel culture.ā€ He promised to reschedule the event, and urged his supporters to support the restaurant, whose owner has been a supporter of Ritterā€™s work.