The Abominable Secret With Dr. Robert Young-SGTReport

Just use Zeolite micronized activated negative charged powder and Activated CHARCOAL and you’ll detox just fine. That liquid crap doesn’t have enough Zeolite in it to do crap…says the Zeolite lab scientist 🥼 …very old information. The good grade Zeolite is the key 🗝️ One Teaspoon stirred with PLASTIC SPOON 🥄 as to not DEACTIVATE the Negative charge with METAL spoon…morning and night. And yes natokinese does degrade Protein… I’ve been watching Dr Young’s videos for years and really appreciate what he does in trying to help. But that Masterpiece and all that. 2 pounds Food grade Zeolite on Amazon for 36.70$. 1.75 lbs Activated CHARCOAL on eBay for 20.00$. I’ve done the math and it saves almost A 1000$ compared to A year of Masterpiece. Natokinese is 20$ for 2 bottles of 180!caps on Amazon or eBay. Just saying.

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