The Real Debate With RFK Jr., Trump & Biden-Worst Mudslinging I Have Ever Heard!

All are prostitutes for Jewish Mob Money and for the Rothschild Created Israel-Part of the British Empire!  Here is how Netanyahu, Terrorist PM of Israel feels about U.S.:

“If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So, it does not matter what you do.  America is a golden calf; and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God, and America is big enough to take the hit; so, we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”  – Benjamin Netanyahu 1990 

Comment:  They HATE US and WANT TO DESTROY THE U.S.-This is the kind of Allie Israel is to Americans.  Wake Up!  They HATE US!  Let Hamas bomb the shit outta Israel!  I don’t care!  Anybody who supports Israel is a Traitor to the People of the U.S.  FACT!  The January 6ers have been thrown under the bus locked up in Gulag prisons like Gulag Slaves with no charges filed.  Many are being tortured and severely abused.  This is USSA-Gulag Amerika!  All our Talking Heads are JEWISH and members of the Jewish Mafia.  That being said I am SO GLAD RFK Jr is Outing the CIA for their criminality!!!

Being RFK’s comments were viewed only by 1.37 million people while the Televised Debate was viewed by 17 million I do not have much confidence in a fair election even with all these MOB Owned politicians.

Democrats and pundits float possible replacements for Biden

All Jewish Mob Owned and Many Are Jewish Mob Members.  All HORRIBLE CHOICES!  These Candidates are NO CHOICE AT ALL!!!!  The Attitudes of the Mob Running Amerika!

Will We Be Going Into the Abyss With the Laughing Hyena  Harris?

White House Says Kamala Harris is Future of the Democrat Party


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