NATO is lashing out at China for their friendship with Russia.


NATO has accused China of being a “decisive enabler” of Russia’s military campaign against Ukraine, prompting an angry rebuke from Beijing over the US-led military bloc’s “Cold War mentality and belligerent rhetoric.”

China and Russia have characterized their relations as a “no-limits” partnership, which has been strengthened since the West imposed sweeping sanctions on Moscow following the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict. During a visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to Beijing in May, he and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, proclaimed a “new era” in their nations’ strategic ties.

NATO members hit out at relations between Beijing and Moscow in a declaration issued at the bloc’s 75th anniversary summit in Washington DC on Wednesday, claiming that China continues to “challenge our interests, security and values.”

“The deepening strategic partnership between Russia and the PRC and their mutually reinforcing attempts to undercut and reshape the rules-based international order, are a cause for profound concern,” added the document, which was signed by the heads of state Rand government of NATO members.

The friendly relationship between the two countries threatens the “rules-based international order” they say. As if the “rules-based international order” means anything. The United States and Israel freely break whatever alleged rules there are. The rules are meaningless and are enforced arbitrarily.

All the insane actions and rhetoric coming from NATO and other ZOG organs forced Russia and China to establish increasingly closer ties. It was a very poor and stupid geopolitical strategy that created this situation by these ZOG morons.

If the U.S. Gov’t truly represented its’ people it would Cut Off ALL funding to NATO.