A Jewish family is planning on suing New York City for $100 million because of a minor fight they were involved in at a public school graduation.



Suing for $100 million over this is insane. They think that by attaching alleged “anti-Semitism” to this very minor incident that they can earn a big pay day.

Plus, knowing how Jews behave, they probably brought whatever happened on themselves.

It seems like Jews are trying to get more and more people to hate them. Their demands are becoming increasingly outrageous. It’s why I want all of them thrown into shower room gas chambers so they can be turned into soap.

Because the U.S. Gov’t has now become a Jewish Organized Crime Syndicate everybody is discriminated against:  Asians, Whites, Middle Eastern People, Russians, Chinese,  everybody is discriminated against EXCEPT Baby Rapers, Rapists, Thugs, Drug Dealers working for Jewish Crime Syndicate.