After Listening to This Debate I Found Solutions to The Issues & They are EASY!
1. Bring Military Home and Use Money for Childcare like RFK Jr. wants to. Use the money to fund Veterans Hospitals, Healthcare, & Homeless Veterans.
2. Stop Opioid Crisis but putting a Stop to Jewish Mob Families sale of Opioids, Set up Free Treatment Centers for Addicts, Research Herbs and drugs used in other countries for addictions, research Krakom and other pain relieving plants like the pain relieving lettuce. Military Needs to QUIT Bringing Drugs into Military Bases…this is a CIA Operation. The CIA must be shattered into a 1,000 pieces and this Drug Operation would cease.
3. Implement Trump’s Agenda 47 Policies. Great Ideas. For more see
The Human trafficking section of Trump’s Agenda 47 needs to be revised as it puts out of business all law abiding escort services who only hire willing escorts. With AGENDA 47 we will have criminalization of basically small time escort services and the GOV’T will BE THE #1 HUMAN TRAFFICKERS like the CIA already is. Why is no one complaining about the CIA’s torture and trafficking of CHILDREN???
4. Ban all weapons to Israel. This would stop this war on Palestine in it’s tracks.
5. Make Billionaires pay full Social Security Taxes on ALL Their Earnings. Think they can’t afford this? They are Billionaires and they NEVER pay their fair share of taxes! I like Biden’s plan to TAX BILLIONAIRES! Long Overdue!
6. The U.S. Needs to Join the BRICS countries. Did you know Russia and China were BEGGING us to join since BRICS Inception around 2014? This would be an economic boom to the United States as well as Russia as well as China. We could all be friends. No reason to hate on Russia and China. Media feeds you Poisonous LIES.
7. We Need GLASS-STEAGALL and a Pecora Commission to investigate Bankster Fraud and Crimes on Wall Street. The Banksters are causing Hyperinflation with over printing our fiat money. They need to STOP!!!! For more see:
8. We need real Transparency as RFK Jr. said a “Blockchain of Transparency”.
9. Military Weaponization of weather needs to be INVESTIGATED as far as Hurricane Katrina, Ida, and others are concerned as well as Hurricane Sally.
10. Military Intelligence/Catholic Church Killing children for ADRENOCHROME needs to be exposed, investigated and those involved PUNISHED! This is being done on an INDUSTRIAL SCALE. Hollywood is ADDICTED to Adrenochrome as they are on it to do their “in the moment” acting according to Script. ADRENOCHROME is used as well to keep programmed slaves on Script! Adrenochrome has been mentioned by Fritz Springmeier, Life After MKULTRA writer and a Deep State Source I am in contact with as well as CIA Agent Robert D. Steele. I am certain Russia would cooperate with us in the Investigation of Adrenochrome labs in Ukraine and other war fronts.
11. U.S. needs to QUIT Being a VASSAL of the British Empire and their Intelligence Agencies running our CIA! Attorneys need to write up Charters, Laws and whatever is needed to separate the U.S. from Great British Empire and their Israel. No more Invasions for either one.
12. Manufacturing Job Creation. Cut Regulations to keep us competitive. Tariffs are good. FUSION energy Must be Researched and Implemented. This would clean out Land Fills.
13. Force AIPAC to be REGISTERED AS A FOREIGN AGENT. Ban Foreign Agents from manipulating our elections and funding Presidents. This would get rid of a Whole LOT of corruption! This is what JFK wanted!
14. Ban abortions after the first trimester and Abortion should be a State issue.
15. Like RFK Jr’s litigation record. Reel AI in and Ban AI being used to control us. Strict regulations needed on robots. Transparency on DARPA and Media Spotlight on DARPA and Monsanto as well as Vaccine Companies.
15. All Presidential Candidates must wear stickers to show us what Corporations they represent. ALL ZIONIST funded politicians should be forced to resign!
16. Ban Rothschild ZIONISTS from funding politicians, from interfering in Education, From funding Abortion Clinics, From being able to be involved in Politics, Education or Government.
17. CIA Child Sex Trafficking to Politicians must be STOPPED! All CIA PROGRAMMERs BELONG IN PRISON to be prosecuted for severe Crimes against Humanity. There are Mass Graves of Murdered Children due to British CONTROLLED Intelligence agencies/CIA and Military Intelligence along with Catholic Church involved in mass murdering Children! Really heinous! Attorney Roy Cohn Was a Handler/Pimp of Monarch Sex Slave Boys that he prostituted to D.C. Perverts. He was Donald Trump’s MENTOR! Child Sex Trafficking in Hollywood & D.C. must be STOPPED! And in Las Vegas and all around the United States.
Since no candidate completely represents me on these issues I will vote for no one. They all represent the Black Nobility-a Jewish Mafia which I do not support! IMAO this Mafia needs to be Defunded and completely PROSECUTED and MANY PUT TO DEATH!!!!!