Julian Assange Most Damaging Stuff Is Directed at the USA as the U.S. of A is Going Through A TAKEDOWN

Comment:  Julian Assange is part of the Secret Society Jewish Crime Cabal.  The U.S. people are targeted for takedown and destruction by this Jewish Cabal which explains the Why all the damaging information is about the United States Corruption.  The Crime Cabal has no borders and has its’ assets in every country.  This documentary is EXCELLENT!  Note that Julian Assange is promoted in the Jewish Press, He was in an Intelligence Created Cult run by Byrne, I suspect Jewish, and is promoted in Jewish run Alt Media.  He is a product of Aussie Intelligence agencies and was under mind control as a child clearly with all the drugs, LSD, cult like “Family” run by a multimillionaire heiress with massive connections.  The CIA is Run by Jews as is all our Mainstream Media.  What Julian Assange has done is debunk legitimate Researchers tying 9/11 to a gov’t INSIDE Job as well as debunk serious researchers tying control of the world to a Jewish Mafia.  These are Big Things!  He’s just an actor and I wonder if he actually spent a day in prison.  The Jewish Cult protects their own and he is one of their own!  Also note the illuminati Actors and Actresses making their visits to Julian Assange.  PETA the Fake Animal Activism promoted by the same Pam Anderson, Cult Member, visited Assange.  LOL  Hilarious!  Soros money tied to Assange ties him to Rothschilds as that is who Soros is the Bagman for!  Geez!  Assange is to Socially Engineer our thinking so we don’t challenge the official narrative of 9/11.  That was a Jewish Terrorist Attack and Israel WAS involved via their Mossad Intelligence Agency.

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