How the Cabal Wealthy Elite ALWAYS Get What They Want At the Expense of the Poor Who Actually Pay Taxes

The Wealthy Elite basically find ways to offshore their businesses in other countries to avoid paying taxes.  This is what Billionaires do.  Google and Amazon for example hardly pay taxes.  Amazon only pays 6% Rate in Taxes.  I know of no working people who have ever slid by paying ONLY 6% in taxes.  The Elite pay big money to political PACS to get the candidate they want.  Political Corruption works very well for them with the Rigged Dominion voting machines, paying dirty clerks to dump votes and software rigging where for example a vote for Trump is shifted to Biden.  They always make sure that the Candidate Barely Wins or Barely Loses.  They always make sure One House is Democrat and the Other Chamber is Republican or Vice Versa.  That way they can keep stuff tied up that they don’t want to pass and pretend it was a close vote when actually it was Corruption!  This way the people Always Get Screwed.  They also attach additional legislation they want to bills to get what they want.  Believe me the wealthy elite always get what they want which is why I advocate AVOIDING paying taxes any way you can.   It is a rigged system.  They are the beneficiaries so THEY SHOULD PAY TAXES.  It is as simple as that.  They Threaten, Bribe, Provide Prostitutes at Bohemian Grove and in D.C. and elsewhere, provide child sex slaves (CIA which is totally staffed by Cabal members.) and Assassinate Politicians who resist orders.  The Filthy rich elite have no conscience so they can do anything.  For example the Rothschilds have Permindex which is an Int’l Assassins group and the Rockefellers funded MKULTRA to force young teens to be assassins against their will.  Welcome to the real world.  Nothing like what you have been hearing on Mainstream Media which is owned by these Elite Criminals.  Yes the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Murdoch own practically all of our media along with the Council of 300 Elite & Aristocrats via their Corporations.  The Khazarian Mafia is just another name for AshkeNAZI Jews.  Another name for them is British Empire.  The Royals of Britain aka Windsors originally were Saxe-Coburg-Gotha JEWS and they want a One or New World Order of Slavery.  They love slavery cuz it is an enormous money maker as is war.  Notice the U.S. is always at war all the time and nobody even knows why?  Well the Criminal Elite like using U.S. soldiers to invade other countries to loot and steal their gold, silver, oil and anything that is & isn’t nailed down.  The elite have an ironclad control over America’s politicians and get Every War they want.  They simply hand out orders to our simpering politicians who dare not defy them as they are already compromised in videos having sex with children which the CIA holds over their heads.  The CIA only works for the elite but they use Hollywood Films to convince you it’s otherwise.  It’s not otherwise.  CIA uses poor kids sold by their parents as Sex Slaves to these Politicians AND Their Wives.  Sex Slaves for the Politicians and Other Sex Slaves for the Politicians Wives.

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