Aluminum, Fluoride, Glyphosate & Wireless: Spiritual Warfare Via Food & Water

All countries are part of the British Empire except Russia & China and primarily Western Nations as Christians are actually controlled by Satanists at the top.  These Satanists are Extraordinarily wealthy….Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Royals, etc.  To get Western Christians to fight in their wars they had to Castrate their Spirituality and it worked.  Western people are now so blind they can’t tell the difference between good and evil.  Fluoride calcifies the Pineal Gland which is the center of Spirituality where a person will have visions in Dreams, etc.  This is only one example.  I believe the Wireless will interact with the nanobots in the Covid Vaccines for more control over humanity.  What the effect will be I do not know.  Aluminum combined with the Mercury/Thimerosol in Vaccines causes Developmental Disorders and I believe this is also being done intentionally.  The Elite want a dumb, controllable population without Spirituality that will do as they are ordered to do.   To me they already have that here.  More than 70% unthinkingly took the Poison Covid Bioweapon and Many are now suffering the Consequences.  I hear ambulances daily sometimes several times a day when I used to hear them once a week at the most.  Bet the war criminals are behind this as they make trillions off of wars and need as kissinger said “dumb animals ” to fight them but also unfeeling, unspiritual people who can do anything while following orders.

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