When Your Gov’t is Controlled by a Crime Syndicate


The Yiddish British Mafia Controls us aka the British Empire or Anglo-Dutch Empire or the Jewish MAFIA AKA Zionism.

America was the Ally of Communist STALIN Who was Jewish along with Satanic Jewish Churchill of the U.K. Against Germany, Japan who had been repeatedly PROVOKED into WW2 and Against Italy.  Military bases remain on these conquered nations who remain under U.S.-U.K. control to this day.  The European Union is under the Control of the American CIA & Intelligence Agencies so these 27 European countries are vassals.  The EU overlords are all Jews.  The British Crown are a bunch of Jews who actually murdered, married and robbed their way to the Crown and changed their Jewish name:  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (German Jews) to Windsor to FOOL the British people.



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