Newsletter From The LaRouche Organization

The LaRouche Organization

It has never been more important to keep your mind tuned and focused, and out of the pitfalls of despair and rage. This is the first task for today’s political activist and interventionist: to be able to see the cracks in the dam, and to translate that into leadership by guiding others in a period of crisis.

The world truly stands at a historic conjunction today. The threshold between the imperial endless war policy of Western nations and an actual global war among super powers is being lowered more and more. Even though NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine is failing, its instigators are refusing to admit defeat, and are instead positioning toward a long-term war with Russia.

At the same time, the US and Israel’s Western backers are still refusing to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, despite the fact that an ongoing genocide is on the stage for the world to see—both on TV screens across the world and now at the World Court in the Hague. Israel itself has rejected even the most meager US proffers for a diplomatic settlement in the region, showing the complete moral bankruptcy gripping the Western world.

The Western world’s so-called “elite” is completely disconnected from this reality. They convened in their annual slumfest in Davos, Switzerland last week to discuss this year’s topic: The need to “rebuild trust.” This crowd has earned a lot of things over the years, but “trust” is certainly not one of them.

But through the cacophony and seemingly endless crises, the dam is breaking, and there are cracks everywhere!

Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her weekly webcast, after discussing the outright revolt sweeping Europe and in particular Germany with farmer protests, brought the point back to the collapse of today’s unipolar order as the common factor in world politics:

I think all the problems in the world can be really brought down to the fact that the so-called “rules-based order,” especially after the end of the Cold War, this was a branching point where communism was given up, by free will, without violence, no tanks, peacefully disintegrating. And we had a peace plan proposal—this was Lyndon LaRouche and our organization: We proposed the Eurasian Land-Bridge, to connect all of Europe and Asia through development corridors, and also connect them with similar corridors in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Now that would have been the economic basis for a peace plan… But the policy of colonialism continued.

And what you’re seeing right now, with the rebellion of the Global South is the absolute determination to end this colonialism in its new form… you have a revolt of the Global South, and a revolt of the countries protesting against the colonialist conditions for them, and the fight of the farmers protesting against the same mechanism, the same financial system, the same cartels, the same structures: Then you recognize that the situation hangs much more together than you would think.

So don’t try to repair the cracks, and don’t get scared and run away. Organize with us! And work to bring about a new security and development architecture while we still have the chance.

And please consider making a donation or becoming a monthly recurring supporter of the LaRouche Organization, to support our work during these important times. Every bit you can give is greatly appreciated.

Legal Expert Francis Boyle: Israel is Lying at the World Court

Credit: UN News

LaRouche movement members participated in a meeting of the International Peace Coalition Jan. 19, during which a top legal expert spoke about the details of the genocide suit against Israel taking place at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Prof. Francis Boyle not only prosecuted over three successful rulings at the ICJ in 1993, but his case was repeatedly cited as precedent by one of Israel’s defense lawyers a little over a week ago.

The point Prof. Boyle made was: Israel’s lawyer “lied through his teeth” about Boyle’s case, intentionally misleading the judges and world opinion.

Prof. Boyle has made his remarks available for publication, and they should be circulated as widely as possible to prevent this lie from being accepted.

Read here

Can America Discover LaRouche’s Discovery in Time?

In last week’s Fireside Chat, LaRouche Organization collaborators Richard Black, Daniel Burke and Jason Ross discussed the crucial elements of Lyndon LaRouche’s method, a method LaRouche himself once described as:

“In its application to political economy, my method focuses analysis upon the central role of the following, three-step sequence: first, axiomatically revolutionary forms of scientific and analogous discovery; second, consequent advances in machine-tool and analogous principles; finally, consequent advances in the productive powers of labor.”

In this one sentence is contained the central thought-object of the work, as well as the importance, of the late American economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche. Development projects, authored by LaRouche over 50 years, are the physical expression of a winning, non-imperialist approach to international relations, well understood in Russia and China, but very poorly understood in the United States and Europe.

Listen here

German Farmers and Allies Lead Nationwide Mass Action for the Right to a Productive Existence

Not much has been reported in mainstream media about the historic farmers protests that have broken out across Germany, and what little has appeared often includes slanders like “right-wing extremists” and other nonsense.

In reality, Germany and other parts of Europe are experiencing a revolt against the policies depriving their people and producers of life, and have taken the lead in fighting for a decent future for us all.

This recent article by EIR discusses these developments and their implications.

Read here

Join the Discussion! Upcoming Events

Mon. Jan. 22:
8:30 pm (Eastern)
The LaRouche Movement Activists Call
Contact host Tim Rush at for zoom link

Thurs. Jan. 25:
9pm (Eastern)
“Fireside Chat”
(267) 807-9605, access code 536662#

Sat. Jan. 27:
2pm (Eastern)
Manhattan Project Town Hall

Every Weekday:
Watch the LaRouche Organization’s Harley Schlanger who gives a daily update—a crucial tool to stay up to date on the strategic situation
Daily Harley Updates


Let’s cause some good trouble,

Stewart Battle


The LaRouche Organization

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Livestream at 2pm EST/11am PST
SPEAKERS: Harley Schlanger & Mike Robinson

On the 30th anniversary of the release of London LaRouche from jail, an important blow was struck for universal justice. Yesterday’s ruling by the International Court of Justice (IJC) affirming the validity of the petition brought by the nation of South Africa, which argued that the nation of Israel is in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention in its military campaign in Gaza, is viewed as historic. Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said that “Africa’s petition is an important step, because it puts Israel in the defendants’ seat – and this is the first time Israel is being accused of something like this at the ICJ.”

Media commentator Alexander Mercouris offered, “this is a conclusive and overwhelming win for South Africa. This is an interim ruling. The court is not saying that Israel is perpetrating or has perpetrated genocide, but that there is an arguable case, which the court is prepared to hear…15 judges out of 17 believe that there is a case.” The nation of Algeria immediately directed their permanent mission to the UN to request a meeting of the United Nations Security Council to “give an executable form” to the ICJ ruling.

Prior to yesterday’s ruling. The Jan.15-20 19th Non-Aligned Movement Summit, attended by 120 nations and 3,000 delegates, issued a “Kampala Declaration” which strongly condemned “the illegal Israeli military aggression on the Gaza Strip, the indiscriminate attacks against Palestinian civilians, civilian objects, the forced displacement of the Palestinian population and further calls for an immediate and durable humanitarian ceasefire.” Also, LaRouche Independent New York United States Senate Diane Sare had issued an “on the record” statement that:

“Whatever the decision of the court, I believe South Africa’s action was correct, and I want it known that as a candidate for United States Senator, that I agree fundamentally with their position. This is the more urgent because over 200 unprincipled and/or cowardly members of the U.S. House of Representatives (see below) have added their names to a reprehensible letter sent on January 23 to Secretary of State Tony Blinken characterizing South Africa’s very well-documented and thorough case as ‘grossly unfounded.’ They are either lying, or have not bothered to read the 84 page report, or both.”

South Africa’s actions reflect the new “colonialism is over” world orientation exemplified by the BRICS-Plus alliance. Moreover, worldwide forces for peace through development are recognizing that there is a deeper matter that must be confronted: is there a mental breakdown occurring in the Anglo-American Establishment? With regard to Ukraine, the Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity issued a statement, “VIPS Memo to Biden—Avoid a Third World War.” They offered a clinical analysis: “No experience of the failure of (Anglo-American) policy can shake belief in its excellence, even though foreign adventures drained the treasury and led to imperial decline.” The VIPS view is that “Simply stated, it is not possible to ‘win the war against Russia’ AND avoid WWIII.” Supplying that semblance of sanity, real solutions, and optimism is up to us.

2pm EST to discuss what YOU can do to mobilize.


Talk soon,
Dennis Speed
LaRouche Organization


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