There is a movement in Congress to impeach President Biden and the criminals who run his police state.
Congress has issued several reports on the crimes of his agencies.
But you are unlikely to hear of these matters on the news.
The criminals in the deep state control the flow of information.


They control not only the television but also the internet.
That’s why a federal judge issued an injunction against these losers.
That’s why Congress issued its report, which you can read below, “The Weaponization of CISA: How a ‘Cybersecurity’ Agency Colluded with Big Tech and ‘Disinformation’ Partners to Censor Americans.”
And it’s why Congress issued its report, which you can read below, “The FBI’s Collaboration with a Compromised Ukrainian Intelligence Agency To Censor American Speech.”
Here, at Fighting Monarch, you can always read real news and real analysis—like the congressional report on Biden’s corrupt dealings in the Ukraine!
Check out my series on the Ukraine!
There I expose the crimes of NATO.
There I expose the crimes of its leaders.
And I do mean all its leaders.
Meanwhile, President Biden is posing, to disco music, with his pals, in funny outfits, to say…
Check out his video.
This is how stupid they think we are….

That’s when President Biden is not saying…
God Save The Queen, Man!
That was to end his speech on gun violence.
That’s how stupid he is.