Quebec Has Military Tribunal on the COVID-19 Medical Fraud

The Quebec Military Tribunal is announcing its first Assembly for the Hearings on the COVID-19 medical fraud and the worldwide Coup d’État which will be presented on from June 2 to 4, 2023.• Hearings of the Quebec Military and popular Tribunal against Pfizer, Moderna and the accomplices of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity on June 2-4 2023


The two goals of the hearings are:
1. Inform the population on the details of the COVID-19 psychological terrorist attack and the dangers of the biological weapons referred to as COVID-19 vaccine,
2. Invite the population to vote for the issuance of the arrest warrants against the coconspirators complicit in Genocide and Crimes against Humanity.
The list of defendants and the schedule can be found at:


Judges, lawyers, veterans, medical experts and scientific fraud investigators will present their testimonies, like these special guests:
Major General (Ret) Paul E. Vallely, Sheriff Richard Mack, Todd Callender,
Nick Mancuso, Benjamin Fulford, Ann Vandersteel, judges from the International Natural
and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice, and more.


The tickets to attend the Live event on the Web are available on the new channel:


Thank you for your participation.
The Team
Quebec Military Tribunal

Comment:  Since this was a UN Mandate it is time for ALL Nations to EXIT the United Nations as well as World Health Organization which is funded by the humanity hater Bill Gates.  He is part of the Evil Empire!

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1 Response

  1. June 30, 2024

    […] Quebec Has Military Tribunal on the COVID-19 Medical Fraud […]