Today is Memorial Day. It is a day dedicated to the remembrance of those who died in wars defending America. At least that was the original intention of the holiday.
Unfortunately, millions of Americans died in various wars not defending America, but instead advancing the aims of demonic Jews who have subverted the country and have been systematically abusing and destroying it for their own selfish interests. Many of those who died in these wars legitimately thought that they were fighting for their country, but they were not.
The truth is that most of these men who died were not fighting for America. It is hard to argue that any major war that America has been in throughout the 20th and 21st centuries was done to legitimately defend the country. You can also make the same argument about various conflicts in the 19th century.
Take in point World War I. The Rothschilds struck an agreement with the Brits called the Balfour Declaration to drag the United States into that war in exchange for being gifted land in Palestine to start a Jewish homeland. That area today is where the Rothschilds established their Zionist terror state known as Israel. The US had no legitimate national interest involving themselves in that war. That’s just one example.
America in 2023 is not the country the Founding Fathers intended when they drafted the Constitution. Much of what we see is the literal opposite of what they envisioned. There are no legitimate freedoms in America and we see all sorts of horrible unnatural evils promoted. Be it race-mixing, homosexuality, child trannies, usury, unchecked immigration, feminism, politically biased justice etc..
While I think it is appropriate to honor the sacrifice of those who thought they were defending America, it is important to also recognize the reality of the situation. The vast majority of Americans either refuse to recognize this or are to ignorant to understand it.