Nuremburg Tribunals Were Run by Deep State. No Need to Ask if They Were Fair. Deep State Has Jan 6 Trumpees in Prison W.O. Charges
by Admin ·
NY Times: ‘Filmmakers for the Prosecution’ Review: Exposing Third Reich Atrocities.
Jean-Christophe Klotz’s documentary retraces the steps of two men tasked with gathering evidence for the Nuremberg trials.
* Editor’s Note: The references to a “Nuremberg 2.0” to punish the Covid / Vax hoaxsters are truly face-palm / shake head worthy. The Nuremberg Circus Tribunals were a travesty of justice which culminated in the murder and imprisonment of good men (here).
Let’s dissect this devious dung and put some truth meat on the skeletal bones which the reviewer, Nicolas Rapold (cough cough), has inadvertently gifted us. Hazmat suits and hip waders on, boys and girls. Into the Sulzberger’s Cesspool we go for some truth gems.
Slimes Review: After the military defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945, evidence of its crimes still had to be systematically gathered for the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal.
Analysis: Catch that? The “war crimes” tribunal was already set in stone before the “evidence of crimes” had been “gathered.” We already knew that — but thanks for the confirmation!
Slimes Review: Jean-Christophe Klotz’s methodical documentary “Filmmakers for the Prosecution” …
Analysis: A crocumentary by a bloke named “Klotz,” eh? (cough cough)
Slimes Review: … retraces the steps of two Office of Strategic Services members tasked with this enormous responsibility: …
Analysis: The OSS (Office of Strategic Services) was the forerunner of the CIA. One of their tasks was psychological warfare — which included running elaborate scams as well as the creation of absurd atrocity props (shrunken heads of Jews, human lampshades made of Jews etc) in order to manipulate public perceptions and opinions both during and after the war (here). We also already knew that too — but thanks again for confirming the fact that special psyche operatives were tasked with “systematically gathering evidence” for the coming circus at Nuremberg.
Slimes Review: …Stuart Schulberg (later a TV producer) and his brother, Budd (who went on to his own storied career in Hollywood).
Analysis: The Schulberg Brothers, eh? (cough cough). You hear that? The ALL LIES brought in Hollywood Jews to build the case against the big bad “Nazis.” Why not military police or private detectives? What qualified Hollywood to gather and present evidence at Nuremberg?
We already knew about Hollywood’s role in manufacturing atrocity propaganda for Nuremberg and movie news reels —- but now the usual suspects and their captive normies can’t call us “antisemitic” ™ for saying so. After all, it’s in “the paper of record,” dontcha’ know? Thank you … thank you … thank you!
Slimes Review: Stuart Schulberg’s nervous letters home express the difficulty of completing the project in time for the trials, which aimed to damn the Nazis with their own imagery.
Analysis: Very telling! Evidently, it was so “difficult” gathering evidence that the Sleazeberg Brothers were “nervous” about meeting their deadline. All the more incentive to put those Hollywood illusion-making talents to work!
Slimes Review: Klotz’s film largely belongs to the documentary category of archival adventure, with stories of journeys into a salt mine and an encounter …. with a high-ranking Soviet fan of (Hollywood Director) John Ford.
Analysis: In their desperate search for “evidence,” The Brothers Sleazeberg “encountered” a “high ranking” Soviet communist — whom we presume assisted the boys in “gathering evidence” in time for the Freak Show at Nuremberg.
Slimes Review: But Stuart Schulberg was also commissioned to film the tribunal for the U.S.
Analysis: From pretrial “evidence gathering” to the courtroom drama, the Nuremberg Tribunals were a Jewish-OSS-Deep State-Hollywood production for the amusement of the normies of the day, and solemn remembrances for the normies of posterity.
The Jewish “new spectacle” at Nuremberg in 1945-46 was actually predicted by Hitler in his Final Testament of April 29, 1945 — and cited as one the reasons for his decision to take his own life.
“I should like, by remaining in this town, to share my fate with those, the millions of others, who have also taken upon themselves to do so. Moreover I do not wish to fall into the hands of an enemy who requires a new spectacle organized by the Jews for the amusement of their hysterical masses.“
How ironic that this New York Slimes film review essentially confirms the parting words of The Great One. This crockumentary review about the Nonsenseberg Circus really turned out to be a wonderful gift for us Correctionist Historians and Truther activists. Use it!
Boobus Americanus 2: Sounds chilling.
St Sugar: Your frickin’ brain has been chilled by decadess of commie-Jew propaganda, Boobuss!
Editor: Worse than chilled — it’s frozen solid.