King Charles Spouts His Bullshit; The Green Will Only Be Green Money For Himself & Illuminutti Cronies

Comment:  Pay no mind to the Diarrhea coming out of his mouth and the blathering of a truly useless idiot.  His Green New Deal is a Lot of Green Coming His way by taxing us all to death so he can profit.  Don’t know if this is true but certain sources have said the Astronomical Federal Income Taxes are Split between the Vatican and British Empire/Monarchy.  Americans pay these taxes so these criminals who loot, rob, rape & pillage the world can live luxurious lives while they rape minors.  Sick!  Think these British Monarchy are worried cuz evidently they are going broke.  Fuck Them.   Let them go broke!  Them and their Rothschild/Rockefeller Banksters too!  These criminals ALL MAKE MONEY OFF OF DOPE!

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