Who Runs Amerika?
By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2008-2011

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AMERICA IS NOW A JEW-RUN NATION. Here is a list of the prominent Jews who run America:
1. Ben Shalom Bernanke: Chairman of the private Jew-owned Federal Reserve Bank. Term ends 2020.
2. Lloyd Blankfein: CEO of Goldman Sachs Bank of NY. Goldman Sachs is one of the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank consortium, made up of 8 banks, the House of Rothschild being the principal owner.
3. Harvey Krueger: Chairman of Lehman Brothers Bank of NY. Lehman Brothers is one of the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank consortium, made up of 8 banks, the House of Rothschild being the principal owner.
4. Michael Chertoff: Secretary of US Homeland Security. Chertoff is the son of an Orthodox rabbi. A dual-citizen of both Israel & America. Guess which nation the Jew Chertoff’s first loyalty is to? Chertoff is chief architect of the North American Union Plan and the Orwellian Real ID Card.
See: “Jew Chertoff’s Subversive North American Plan” Here
And: “Big Brother Jew Of Homeland Security Is Watching You” Here
5. Howard Kohr: Executive Director of the most powerful lobby group in the world, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). AIPAC is made up of both Republican and Democratic Jews who have one single purpose -to secure Jewish-control of the world.
6. Malcolm Hoenlein: Executive Chairman of the second most powerful lobby group in the world, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Has 50 (!) Jewish member organizatons under him.
See: “List Of Jewish Member Organizations” Here
7. Abraham Foxman: Executive Director of the third most powerful lobby group in the world, B’nai Brith’s Anti Defamation League (ADL).
8. Norman Podhoretz: Key member of The Project for the New American Century, a Jewish ‘think tank’ (jew-lobby), dedicated “to promoting America’s dominance globally.” (Translate: ‘Promoting Jewish dominance’).
See:: “Project For The New American Century” Here
HILARY CLINTON’S FUND RAISERS are the multi-millionaire Jews, Mark Penn and his wife, Nancy Jacobson. Penn, known around the world as “King of the Polls,” is CEO of Burson-Marsteller and President of Penn, Schoen and Berland Polling Company.
As CEO of Burson-Marsteller, Penn oversees a global network of 94 offices that brings public relations to politicians and companies around the world. As President of PSB, Penn provides polling strategies to political figures both in America and abroad. Tony Blair was re-elected as prime minister of England in 2005 due to Penn’s world-wide Jew-connections .
See: “Hilary’s Campaign Managers” Here
JOHN McCAIN’S FUND RAISER is Mark Broxmeyer and Wayne L. Berman. Broxmeyer is former director of the powerful Israel lobby, Jewish Institute Of National Security Affairs (JINSA).
Senator Joseph Lieberman, an Orthodox Jew who subscribes to the racist Jewish Talmud is now accompanying McCain on the campaign trail. This is a sure sign of Jewish control of McCain. The pay-off will be McCain having Lieberman as his running mate or appointing Lieberman to a key cabinet position.
See: “Tracking Jewish Campaign Money” Here
In other words — both Hilary Clinton & John McCain have been BOUGHT by the Jew$!HOW DO WE STOP THE JEWISH CONTROL OF AMERICA?Here are 3 options:
* Convert to Judaism and be part of the Single-Party political system in America.
* Convert to Judaism and be part of the Jewish-Takeover of former Christian America.
* Don’t convert to Judaism. Instead call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to grow a revival of Christianity in America.Only When America Becomes A Christian Nation Once Again
Will The Jews Lose Their Power To Lead Us As Sheep To The Slaughter!
For More See: “Pasternak: ‘Jews Must Become Christians’” Click Here
And: “Christians NOT Jews Are God’s Chosen People!” Click Here
And: “How Jews Think” Click Here
CLICK: Brother Nathanael! Street Evangelist!
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Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856
E-mail: bronathanael@yahoo.com
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BROTHER NATHANAEL @ FEBRUARY 1, 2008« Stop The Jews From Rebuilding The Temple!Christians NOT Jews Are God’s Chosen People! »
- Wayne DeavoursMarch 22, 2008 @ 6:22 pmThank you for this website. I have learned a lot. Problem: when I click on an item under Categories on the left columm, I dont’ get anything. Am I doing something wrong or is it a website problem?Keep up the good work. I don’t know what it will take to wake up the ’sheeple’.
- adminMarch 22, 2008 @ 6:30 pmDear Wayne – Click on the title link that has the two papers illustration next to it and you will get the article on each one.Brother Nathanael
- FascistUSAMarch 29, 2008 @ 2:21 pmThe Protocols of The Elders of Zion. (1922).READ the book. It is the Jewish Zionis Plan for ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. The Plan is Brilliant. Evil but Brilliant.The New World Order (1940) by HG Wells.Empire of Cities :Ring of Power (2007) on google video, youtube, and Downloadable at ThePirateBay.com. Watch all 5 hours.We are Slaves to Zionist Jews and The Freemasons. SLAVES.
- Julian LeeApril 5, 2008 @ 11:39 pmI’m very moved by your story, your work, and your site, brother. I will be contributing to your work. May God be with you at all times and support you in every way.Julian Lee