U.S. Government is a Crime Syndicate Killing Natives With Canada Crime Syndicate VIA CIA and Canadian Intelligence Services
Global Media Release and Stop the Pope Coalition news, Monday, May 23, 2022 : Indigenous elders reject Pope’s ‘apology’, vow to arrest him if he comes to Canada and seize church property; Protests will also disrupt Pope’s meeting with Chinese in Prince Rupert
post master May 23, 2022 Uncategorized 0
A Breaking News Report by the Stop the Pope Coalition
Native leaders to arrest Pope, seize churches; ‘Stop the Pope’ Coalition formed

In a public statement issued today, traditional elders of the Squamish, Tsilhqot’in, Anishinaabe, Mohawk, Inuit, and Cree indigenous nations rejected Pope Francis’ upcoming “apology” for crimes at Catholic ‘Indian Residential Schools’, and vowed to arrest him if he comes to Canada.
“Words don’t undo genocide or absolve the guilty,” the statement reads.
“As head officer of the church that led the planned extermination of over 60,000 of our children, Pope Francis bears legal and moral responsibility for that ongoing Crime against Humanity, and he stands guilty as charged.”
The elders also issued a Banishment Order against the Roman Catholic Church on their territories, and declared their intention to seize church lands and property as reparations for genocide and the theft of their lands and resources.
(See the attached declaration of the Tsilhqot’in/Chilcotin National Congress)
The elders’ statement was accompanied by the launching of a nation-wide “Stop the Pope Coalition”, that will stage protests, church occupations, and civil disobedience actions across Canada before and during the papal visit between July 24-30, 2022.
The Coalition, which is endorsed by the same indigenous elders, has pledged to help arrest Pope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) and seize church properties.
It also plans to disrupt a meeting between the Pope and Chinese officials scheduled in Prince Rupert, B.C. during the last week in July.
According to Coalition spokesman Kevin Annett,
“It’s no accident that Bergoglio will be passing through the Highway of Tears, where so many native people are killed to allow China to grab their resources. Bergoglio’s ‘apology’ charade is a camouflage for genocide by his business partners in Beijing, who are underwritten by the Vatican Bank.”
The Stop the Pope Coalition will conduct public and online teach-ins and training workshops for its members, and will launch actions during June.
To contact the Stop the Pope Coalition, write to itccsoffice@protonmail.com and republicnationalcouncil@protonmail.com and see www.murderbydecree.com under ‘ITCCS Updates’ for more announcements. Tune in every Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern on www.bbsradio.com/herewestand .
Read of the lawful conviction and sentencing of Pope Francis and others by the International Common Law Court of Justice on January 15, 2022, at
Issued Monday, May 23, 2022
Stop the Pope Coalition

Established May 15, 2022, by the Chilcotin, Squamish, and Anishinaabe traditional Nations, the sovereign Republic of Kanata, and the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) and its affiliates in nine countries
Our Aims:
1. To detain and arrest Jorge Bergoglio (“pope francis”) if he comes to our territories anywhere in Canada, in accordance with his lawful conviction for Crimes against Humanity on January 15, 2022; (Breaking News from the International Common Law Court of Justice, January 15, 2022 (GMT) Big pharma, government, church leaders face arrest as Court convicts them of Genocide, prohibits injections – Murder by Decree )
2. To occupy and claim all properties, lands, and assets of the Roman Catholic Church as partial reparations for its mass murder of 60,000 of our children, and its ongoing genocide against our nations;
3. To disestablish the genocidal regime of Canada and the Crown, and their church allies, and to reclaim the lands and wealth of Canada for all our people by establishing a federated Republic of equal sovereign nations.
Our Actions:
Phase One – Preparation: Monday May 30 – Monday June 27
During June we will publicize our Coalition, recruit allies, and hold education and training workshops to prepare for our Week of Action to Stop the Pope, from July 24-30, 2022.
Phase Two – Mobilization: Monday June 27 – Friday July 22
During most of July we will begin protests and direct actions at Catholic churches, offices, and properties, and at former Christian death camps (“Indian residential schools”, hospitals, and their mass graves).
Phase Three –Week of Action to Stop the Pope: Saturdays July 23 – July 30
Beginning with a public and spiritual Summoning, our Elders, Peacekeepers, Sheriffs, and the public, will use our lawful warrants to arrest Jorge Bergoglio and place him in custody, along with his accomplices. We will also reclaim targeted Catholic facilities and bring others to justice.
What you can do:
1. Publicly endorse and affiliate to our Coalition and its aims.
2. Attend our education and training workshops during June, and volunteer as citizen Sheriffs to arrest the Pope and other convicted criminals.
3. Publicize our work and plan local actions at Catholic churches in your communities.
Several flyers are attached for you to share, including the ICLCJ Arrest Warrant against Bergoglio. Other material and resources will be provided to you during June, once you volunteer with or affiliate to our Coalition.
To contact the Coalition, write to itccsoffice@protonmail.com and see www.murderbydecree.com and www.bbsradio.com/herewestand
Stop Vatican Crimes and Arrest Convicted Criminals!

Chilcotin National Congress
PO Box 228, Alexis Creek, Chilcotin
Ph: 250-394-7042, 250-303-0267
chilcotinnationalcongress4@gmail. com
Chilcotin National Congress Proclamation and Orders of May 19, 2022, for the Sovereign State of the Chilcotin
The Chilcotin National Congress government of the sovereign State of the Chilcotin hereby proclaims that Pope Francis Jorge Bergoglio is a guilty convicted felon who is prohibited from trespassing or entering the Chilcotin in perpetuity. If Pope Francis Jorge Bergoglio should violate this Prohibition Proclamation, then he will be promptly arrested and imprisoned to serve his sentence(s) imposed by the International Common Law Court of Justice on January 15, 2022, after his lawful conviction at trial.
Furthermore, the State of the Chilcotin refuses to accept and rejects all so called “apologies” from Jorge Bergoglio, who has blood on his hands which no “apology” can erase. In the name of justice, all First Nations are hereby called upon to do likewise.
The Hereditary Chilcotin National Congress
May 19, 2022