To Be President of the United States You MUST Be Willing to KILL CHILDREN; Here Are the Baby/Child Killers…Where Are the Protests???

Comment: To become president and get Cabal funding you must cross the bar into Pedophilia. There are a group of Sadistic Pedophiles in D.C. that love torturing children to death. George Herbert Walker Bush was of this group. The Presidents to be MUST have Secret Society memberships and these Secret Societies are controlled by the Satanic British Empire. Our Pedophiles in Chief are assigned their mass murder instructions by the British Monarchy & Empire which includes City of London Banksters. The World works pretty much the OPPOSITE of how the Lame Stream Media portrays it working. This Crime Syndicate is HIGHLY Organized and they ensure NO POLITICIAN will be put into power w/o having big dirt on the politician/person of influence to Ensure Total Control. All persons of Influence whether in the Media, Hollywood or D.C. is completely CONTROLLED by this evil cabal.