Let Putin Speak

MARCH 31, 2022
NY Times: Putin Cares About Only One Thing, and It’s Not Oligarchs.

When Vlad the Bad inherited what was a broken political system, economy and society in 2000, the new kid on the block was in no position to crush the Jewish Oligarchs who — in partnership with their western tribesmen — had bought up and looted Russia in the aftermath of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Rather than confront the dangerous multi-headed Hydra monster head-on with just his bare hands, Putin patiently played the long game of steady recovery and gradual power accumulation — all the while, “keeping his enemies close.”
In due time, he was able to have some of the more overtly criminal Oligarchs arrested, while others fled to the United States or Israel. The remaining gangsters were offered a grand bargain — essentially this: “If you behave yourselves; do not betray Russia, and stay out of my way — then you can keep making your billions.” Though “Putin’s Oligarchs” lined up behind the new boss (or pretended to), Putin was surely smart enough to know that such a greasy bunch, at the first opportunity, would stab him in the back and take over Russia again. He kept watching them, very closely.

1. Oil Oligarch Leonid Nevzlin fled Putin’s wrath in 2003. This “Russian” is now an Israeli. // 2. Anti-Putin Jewish venture capitalist and media mogul Boris Berezovsky fled for England, also in 2003. // 3. Anti-Putin media mogul Vladimir Gusinsky fled for Israel in 2001.
The survival of the Jewish Oligarchs who had accepted Putin’s “grand bargain” offered the CIA’s cunning propaganda operatives an opening to attack Putin “from the right.” Their cyber henchmen and dupes would proclaim: “Putin is in bed with the Jewish Oligarchs! Muh Fridman! Muh Abramovich! Muh Deripaska! Psyop! Psyop!” — It’s so silly, and more than a few on “the far right” fell for this line of attack against Putin. But now, in the immediate aftermath of Russia’s liberation of eastern Ukraine, many of these remaining Oligarchs — smoked out into showing their true colors by opposing the “war” — are hopping on private yachts and jets bound for Dubai and, of course, Israel.
Enjoy these delightful headlines.
Jewish “pro-Putin” Oligarchs like Mikhail Fridman (right) took the bait and spoke out against Putin’s just and necessary military action. Putin then took to the airwaves and denounced “scum and traitors.” Within HOURS, they began fleeing for Israel. Fridman (stuck in Russia) has lost everything due to “Biden’s” (Trump’s) sanctions and cannot access his credit cards nor get in contact Putin.
Oleg Deripaska (and other “anti-war” Oligarchs) fled in yachts to the Maldives — where they are safe from extradition. The media’s spin is that the Oligarchs are fleeing western sanctions. Their real fear is Putin!
The Marca Times piece headlined above sums up the situation:
“Russian president Vladimir Putin has reached a state of isolation from his own compatriots that even Russian oligarchs have started fleeing the country. In a passionate speech, the dictator threatened to cleanse the country by squashing all of those traitors like flies. One would think that all that money from oligarchs was needed by Putin in order to fund his war but they are turning their backs on him one by one. In fact, many of them got scared off completely after the speech he offered on Thursday morning. In front of a camera while talking to the nation, Putin revealed what he feels about all those oligarchs who are choosing to abandon the country during these times.” (emphasis added)
Putin’s “scum and traitors” speech that so shocked western Libtardia really spooked the Jewish Oligarchs. The targeted CONFISCATION sanctions imposed by “Biden” (under authority of Trump’s previously issued Executive Orders) represent the other end of the Trump-Putin pincer attack. The Oligarchs are being dispossessed and hunted worldwide and seeking the safe haven of criminal sanctuary in “the state of Israel.” It reminds your favorite historian here of one of the classic lines from Mein Kampf:
“It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.”(emphasis added)
Tell it, Great One. Tell it!
1. Without dropping the “J-word,” Putin condemned the “anti-war” Jewish Oligarchs and their minions as “scum and traitors.” Within hours, private jets began departing for Israel. // 2. Writing 24 years before Israel was actually established as a nation, Hitler foresaw that the shitty little state would serve as a “haven for convicted scoundrels.”