How Cabal Elite Spacey Gets Away With His Sex Crimes: Owned Judges, Disappearing Evidence, Murdered Witnesses


Whatever Happened to Kevin Spacey?

By Amos Turtlecock
July 5, 2021

I finally got around to watching the three-part series Epstein’s Shadow: Ghislaine Maxwell over the weekend, and it got me wondering whatever happened to that other ‘alleged’ super-creep, Kevin Spacey.

Remember Christmas eve 2018 when he dropped that weird video ‘Let Me Be Frank’ on YouTube? It was about a year after he’d been called out by the #MeToo movement and only a couple of weeks out from his arraignment for allegedly sexually assaulting an 18-year-old busboy. If you haven’t seen it, that’s the video below. Spacey is in his own home, playing the part of Frank Underwood from the Netflix series House of Cardsa show he’d been kicked off a year before when the sexual assault allegations began to surface. If you have seen it, watch it again and pay special attention to the coffee cup he’s holding at 0:35.

This is where the rabbit hole I went down over the weekend begins. First, let’s acknowledge how utterly bizarre it is for him to make this video. He’s been unceremoniously ousted from a hit show, but now a year later he’s reprising the role in his own home, with his own script and addressing… Who? Who is he talking to? His career is finished and he has mounting sexual assault charges against him. He should be fearing prison time, and yet he’s making this cryptic Christmas video. Now, the coffee cup. Spacey says, ‘And you trusted me, even though you knew you shouldn’t,’ then he takes a sip and continues, ‘so we’re not done no matter what anyone says.’ Then the cup isn’t seen for the rest of the video. This could be a coincidence, but that cup is a commemorative 1953 Queen Elizabeth coronation cup (below) inscribed with a quote from the Queen regarding ‘trust.’ Please stick with me.

Spacey and the Queen’s son, Prince Phillip, were/are both up to their necks in it with Epstein. Remember in July last year this photo of Spacey and Epstein’s right-hand woman Ghislaine sitting on the actual royal thrones at Buckingham Palace emerged?

Spacey was down with the Royal Family. Before #MeToo, he was made an Honorary Knight by Prince Charles (below), and he knew Phillip, through Epstein or otherwise. So, is ‘Let Me Be Frank’ a veiled blackmail threat aimed at Buckingham Palace? A Get me out of this or you’re going down with me scenario? And was Spacey also extending his threat (if that’s what it is) to his best buddy and alleged Epstein client, Bill Clinton? Remember, he’s playing the role of Frank Underwood, a character rumoured to be based on Bill.

So, Spacey releases ‘Let Me Be Frank’ at the end of 2018, and guess what happens in 2019? His accusers begin dying.

One of his accusers, Norwegian author Ari Behn, committed suicide. Another, Linda Culkin, was hit by a car and killed while crossing the street. And a third unnamed accuser died of complications relating to cancer, leading the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office to drop their case against Spacey. A fourth accuser wound up pleading the 5th (refusing to testify) in his case against Spacey because his cell phone—a key piece of evidence—went missing while being forensically examined by order of the presiding judge. Three deaths and two cases dropped in the space of a year. On Christmas eve 2019, exactly a year after ‘Let Me Be Frank’, Spacey released a new video on his YouTube channel entitled ‘KTWK’ or ‘Kill Them With Kindness’…

Two weeks ago, a Manhattan judge threw out actor Anthony Rapp and an anonymous accuser’s lawsuit against Spacey for very dubious reasons. His other accusers have gone quiet. It goes way deeper than this, but who has the time? Things are looking up for Spacey, though—he’s currently in Turin, Italy, shooting his first film since being #MeToo’d in 2017.

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