The Real Story of Abortion On Holocaust Memorial Day

In today’s show originally broadcast on January 27 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of Abortion On Holocaust Memorial Day.”
We discussed: how the leading cause of death in the world today is abortion; the curious case of the Green Card you need to complete to enter the United States; Lord Kitchener’s Concentration Camps in South Africa; the exponential increase in sterility amongst men and women throughout the Western World; why abortion is the modern day equivalent of the child sacrifice endorsed by King Herod; how Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development are politically correct terms for Genocide; the proof babies do feel pain when they are dismembered in the womb; how many babies are incinerated after they are aborted; Peter’s conversation with a doctor that carried out abortions; the significance of the now deleted Deagel.Com 2025 Population Predictions and the Georgia Guidestones; how the Soviets never liberated Auschwitz and instead continued to use it as a Comcentration Camp for Christians until 1954; the Communists hateful vendetta against Christianity; Peter’s visit to the Washington D.C. Holocaust Memorial Museum with his friend General Ben Partin; Peter’s book, “Holocaust In Rwanda,” and how Genocides of Christians are ignored; the sign on the wall of the Washington D.C. Holocaust Memorial Museum which read, “Anti-Semitism Began With The Birth Of Jesus Christ,”; Stephen Mitford Goodson’s book, “Genocide Of The Boers,” and how in 1901 the Rothschilds paid for 480,000 Christmas Hampers for the soldiers who slaughtered the Boers; why diamonds are made artifically scarce and are actually fairly worthless; and many other topics.
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