You can learn more about how the government created the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina in the documentary film, The Big Uneasy.
A Resistance Site For Victims of CIA, NSA, MI5 and Illuminati Mind Control

Tonight I was hoping for a quiet drink.

I wrote fifteen (15) articles in September, nine (9) in October, and another fifteen (15) in November, for a total of one hundred and forty (140) articles over the past two years. I wrote one article on December 1, another on December 3, and it’s another tonight. December’s off and running. Thanks to loyal, inquistive, and free readers, this website has a total of 260,000 hits, with more than 20,000 hits for each of the last five months, and over 2,000 this month so far.

Thank you fellow freedom fighters!

In additon to 166,868 hits from the United States, traffic includes 592 hits from Singapore, 349 from Hong Kong SAR China, and 196 from Red China. That’s not even counting the countries under Chinese influence–189 from Vietnam and 121 from Cambodia.

Five percent (5%) of my traffic, the very first week, came from Red China. I wonder how that happened?
Early Website Traffic – Who’s Watching? And Who’s Reading?
Monkey See, Monkey Do – The Coming False Flag Attack on Three Gorges Dam

My traffic includes over three thousand (3,000) hits from muslim countries including 1,444 hits from Indonesia, 1,069 from Turkey, 803 hits from Malaysia, 376 hits from Pakistan, 373 hits from the United Arab Emirates, and 366 hits from Saudi Arabia. I guess those muslims like my articles….
How the Illuminati Enslaved Mohamed & How They Continue To Use Islam

Given that kind of traffic, and growing, wouldn’t you think the trash at MI7, MI6, MI5, CIA, BND, and Mossad would get the message? Wouldn’t you think it would just not be worth it to them?

But no. They would rather send white trash to talk filth to me, using V2K, around the clock.

They would rather hit my body non-stop with microwave harassment.
Microwave Harassment, Mind Control, and Misdiagnosis

They actually think this will make me give up.

CIA won’t let me rest–even for an evening. They actually want more of this, and they think they can get away with it.
They sent a helicopter over my house, and I wrote an article about it; but they still don’t get the message.
Ghetto Birds – Helicopter Gangstalking

They continue to cyberattack my computer, on a daily basis, and I wrote an article about it; but they still don’t get the message.

They will never stop, and I will never make a deal with the scum. That goes without saying, but there won’t even be the smallest lull in fighting. The moronic trash, addicted to amphetamines, cocaine, and the lowest forms of violence, need more.
What They Want To Take From Us (Part One)
What They Want To Take From Us (Part Two)

In the immortal words of Popeye, “That’s all I can stands, I can’t stands no more.”
Using voice to skull, they send me trash from England, home to royal child molesters.
Titled Trash – The Windsors are Satanic Traitors, Rapists, and Child Molesters
More on Prince Andrew – One of Many Royal Rapists and Child Molesters

They send me trash from Houston, home to the satanic traitors called Bush.
The Bush Family, Satanism, & Crimes against America
Remembering George Bush – Pedophilia, Cocaine, & Murder
Now they’re sending trash from New Orleans.

New Orleans is a hideous foul-smelling shithole full of drunken degenerates….
As U.S. Representative Billy Tauzin liked to say, “Half of Louisiana is under water, and the other half is under indictment.”
CIA has run New Orleans for a long time, as they used Tulane, home of Dr. Robert Heath, for psycho-surgery.
Cybernetics and the Minds of Men
More on CIA & Cybernetics
As if New Orleans weren’t already bad enough, the United States government smashed it to bits when they used the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) to start Hurricane Katrina.
It’s kind of like the way they use directed energy weapons (DEW) for high-tech arson in California.
California – Targeted by the New World Order
You can learn more about how the government created the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina in the documentary film, The Big Uneasy.
Here’s the second half of The Big Uneasy.
New Orleans is small-time next to the boondoggle of one trillion dollars ($1,000,000,000,000.00) we have spent on the War in Afghanistan, now running over eighteen (18) years, leaving the country worse than ever, and illegal because Congress never approved it.
CIA Drug Wars – From Vietnam to Afghanistan

Just as the disaster in New Orleans was created by the deep state, so was the War on Terror.
Still, they did their best in our country. Following the government-made disaster, through Hurricane Katrina, in New Orleans, the criminals in the Deep State frauded the U.S. taxpayer out of more than one billion dollars ($1,000,000,000.00) through FEMA.
It’s kind of like the way they used HAARP to create the earthquake in Haiti.
Following the man-made disaster, the Clintons made billions by pretending to give aid to refugees, while they really supported child trafficking.

The Deep State creates these disasters, through HAARP, and weaponized weather, so they can drive us into FEMA camps.
Jesse Ventura, a former Navy SEAL, Governor of Minnesota, and conspiracy theorist, has done exposés on the police state.
As Jesse Ventura points out, the federal government is run by neo-nazis, evil scumbags, who conspire to destroy our liberties.
They think we’re just going to lie down for it.
CIA OPERATION GLADIO C – The Plot To Disarm Free People

Become politically active. Support the NRA. And buy a semi-automatic firearm, legally, undocumented, in a private sale.

You’re going to need it.
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Our enemy depends on silence.

September 4, 2018
December 19, 2018
August 4, 2019
With 31 comments