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Ron Wieczorek
13h · Just in time for the Halloween Glasgow Summit https://youtu.be/gwJhmIWCMfoLYRICS – The Windsor Family … See More
Major Nations Are Raising Inflation Estimates and Rates (see slug)Biggest CPI Inflation Is in Food—Oct. 23 (EIRNS)—Despite reports, used car prices are not leading the U.S. in inflation.CPI inflation (from which housing costs are conveniently excluded)—food is. Example: The cost of meats increased 12.6% between September 2020 and September 2021, according to unadjusted CPI data. The cost of pork rose 12.7% in the same period. Poultry prices rose 6.1%, while beef prices climbed the most, at 17.6%. Beef roasts, the category brisket falls in, increased 20.8% in the past 12 months. [pbg]Scrooge and Bob Cratchit Are Coming Back—Oct. 23 (EIRNS)—A mid-October national survey by Deloitte & Touche found higher-income households are planning to spend 15% more on Christmas (averaging $2,624 per household) than they did last year. But lower-income households (bottom 40 percentiles) plan to spend 22% less (averaging $536 per household). Moreover, the share of all consumers who do not plan to spend anything at all this season is 11.5%, compared to 4.9% in 2020. Two-thirds of this no-spending group were from lower-income households. [pbg]
Ron Wieczorek
OcStobe9r 26 aut3l f11:f37404ec PM1 · GREEN NEW DEAL, STAKEHOLDER CAPITALISMBoris Johnson: COP26 Is “Very, Very” Much in TroubleOct. 26, 2021 (EIRNS)—“It is going to be VERY, VERY TOUGH this summit,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned yesterday, Reuters reported. Perhaps preparing the way to claim minor concessions that might be won at the COP26 summit as not a failure, Johnson was “very, very” repetitive: “I am very worried because it might go wrong and we might not get the agreements that we need and it is touch and go, it is VERY, VERY DIFFICULT, but I think it can be done. It’s VERY, VERY FAR FROM CLEAR that we’ll get the progress that we need,” said he.The Queen herself has even been forced to cancel her personal presence at the ghouls’ gathering; her doctors have reduced her participation to a virtual presentation (which she will do if she is “very, very” lucky, perhaps). She is said to be suffering from some “non-COVID” condition which is under investigation, and was told to keep resting. “It is understood that the Queen very much wants COP26 to result in meaningful action on climate change from participating nations, and hopes her absence will not be used by others as a reason not to attend,” BBC lamented.Tireless climate hatchetman John Kerry was in London today, meeting with representatives of China yet again, probably to see if he can drum up a Xi Jinping presence next week. That must not have gone well; National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan today bitched that “President Xi has chosen not to attend” either the G20 or COP26 summits. “He’s chosen not to leave China at all in calendar year 2021 to see any leader. That’s of course his choice. President Biden does believe it’s important that he have the opportunity to have a face-to-face engagement with Xi Jinping,” Sullivan added.Australian PM Scott Morrison, however, obliged the Queen by announcing yesterday that Australia will commit to a net-zero emissions target by 2050. However, how he intends to do that is up in the air, and he said the country would not change its plans and goals from here to 2030. Boris Johnson called the Aussies “heroic” for this action, but the environmentalist activists are complaining that the announcement is a sham.
Ron Wieczorek
6d · GREEN NEW DEAL, STAKEHOLDER CAPITALISMBiden’s Green Reset Bill: “I Need This” for Climate Summit Next Week!Oct. 21, 2021 (EIRNS)—President Biden called in nine Democratic representatives on Tuesday, pressing them on the real issue behind his massive “green” spending. Ro Khanna (D-CA) provided his eyewitness account to CNN: “Going around the room and staring them each in the eye, the President warned of dire consequences if he arrives in Scotland next week for a United Nations climate summit without a deal that meets his pledge to dramatically reduce American greenhouse gas emissions.” Biden said: “The prestige of the United States is on the line. I need this to go represent the United States overseas. I need people to see that the Democratic Party is working, that the country is working, that we can govern.” [dms]Is Her Royal-Greenness, the Queen, Now Also a “Maybe” To Attend the COP26 Halloween Summit?Oct. 21, 2021 (EIRNS)—The Queen’s trip to Northern Ireland was cancelled this Oct. 19, for medical reasons; she was to have been Wednesday and today in County Down, for the centenary of Northern Ireland’s formation. No word yet on whether the same may happen for the queen not attending the COP26 Halloween Summit in Glasgow. The official report is that doctors want her to get more rest. Meanwhile, India’s Environment Minister claimed today that Prime Minister Modi will attend. Stay tuned.Glasgow functions are now in the process of shutdown to give way for the expected 20,000 attendees next week. Schools are closing. Roads will be shut. Still, thousands of potential attendees won’t come, because of the cost-shock. The COP26 organizers are scrambling to, still, make it all happen. This month the UK government scrapped quarantine requirements for 47 countries, including South Africa and India, to spare delegates the $3,200 quarantine cost of a 10-day hotel stay.The original semi-official estimates of COP26 attendance were as high as 30,000, then dropped to 25,000, and now trend toward 20,000.Not only the Queen last week bemoaned how more heads of state aren’t coming—“It’s really irritating when they talk, but they don’t do,” she said. But Charles, the Prince of Darkness, complained last week to the BBC, “They just talk; the problem is to get action on the ground, which is what I’ve been trying to do for the last 40 years.” [mgm]Baltimore Sun Posts Letter Exposing the Schwab Anti-Population Plan Behind ‘Build Back Better’Oct. 21, 2021 (EIRNS)—Today’s Baltimore Sun online posted the full letter to the editor by Doug Mallouk. Headlined, “Only Two Things Wrong with Build Back Better,” the text:Letter writer Jim Dempsey (“What’s so bad about Build Back Better?,” 10-11) practically dares your readers to express any disagreement whatsoever with the Biden Administration’s reconstruction program. Happy to oblige.I have just two tiny problems with the policy: what it does, and what it doesn’t. Negatively, BBB in no way addresses the causes of the impending worse-than-2008 financial meltdown. Since especially March 2020, the Fed and other central banks have disgorged literally tens of trillions of dollars in Quantitative Easing monies—“purchasing” worthless assets from Wall Street and London at full face value, a thinly disguised mega-bailout. Anyone thinking that the resultant hyperinflationary pressure could be confined indefinitely to the financial sector has been reading too many bad economics textbooks.Now, even Clinton Administration Treasury Secretary Larry Summers is openly admitting that the situation is out of control, without offering any solution. That’s understandable, since he personally engineered the 1999 repeal of Glass-Steagall, which had served for more than six decades as a bulwark against the funny-money bubble regime that took over afterwards. Providing a humongous free lunch to the banks and hedge funds, while scraping together some crumbs and morsels for the poor and elderly, strikes me as neither just nor a deterrent against an upcoming blowout.From sins of omission to those of commission: BBB would indeed expend trillions to go green. Prominent proponents of that huge “reset” include Biden ally Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum that hosts top global financial and political elites annually in Davos, Switzerland. His new book, “Stakeholder Capitalism,” minces no words in stating the agenda: “The same force that helps people escape from poverty and lead a decent life is the one that is destroying the livability of our planet for future generations. The emissions that lead to climate change are not just the result of a selfish generation of industrialists or Western baby boomers. They are the consequence of the human desire to create a better future for himself.” The message couldn’t be clearer: Save the Earth! Stay poor and miserable!I find Mr. Schwab’s outlook disgusting, anti-human, and scientifically cockeyed as well. But I nonetheless applaud him for articulating it so unabashedly, and I really wish that other green advocates would display a similar candor.So, in summary: hyperinflation, technological regression, increasing immiseration and depopulation. Who could possibly disagree with that?Sincerely, Doug Mallouk [mm]
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Ron Wieczorek
Oc7totbe77r 26 a35tsm3t7 11:1c3 28PMe · Flop 26: The Coming Fall of The House of GaiaOct. 26 (EIRNS)—As the COP 26 “strange beast, its hour come at last, slouches toward Glasgow,” the news has suddenly arrived: “The Queen will not attend the climate change summit.” Will Prince Andrew, out of a sense of imperial duty to the Crown and empire, emerge from hiding and, in the spirit of the season, go to Glascow dressed as his mother? Though the Queen has now cancelled going to the Glasgow ghoul-fest, the business of depopulation must proceed. So perhaps Andrew will oblige, impersonating “Psycho’s” Norman Bates (and Norman’s mother,) inadvertently bringing an unwelcome guest, psychological truth, to the doomed Glasgow masquerade.In the real world, Afghanistan stands “at the precipice” of destruction by famine at the hands of a vindictive sanctions “victors policy.” A Haitian publication, Haiti Libre, runs the headline: “Deprived of Fuel by Gangs—The Country at the Gates of Hell.” Uganda’s 35-year president, Yoweri Museveni(!) in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, says: “Africa can’t sacrifice its future prosperity for Western climate goals. The continent should balance its energy mix, not rush straight toward renewables—even though that will likely frustrate some of those gathering at next week’s global climate conference in Glasgow.”But Swedish eco-freaks know far better than Ugandans, or nuclear power-advocating Bolivians, that the real enemy is technological progress, and that “technological progress is racism.” Technological progress is what the notorious Bertrand Russell so delicately referred to, in his 1924 book Icarus, as “white science.” “White Skin, Black Fuel, on the Danger of Fossil Fascism,” a May 2021 book compiled by the “Zetkin Collective” featuring Andreas Malm, professor of ecology at Lund University, is a triple-retread apology for terrorism “to save the planet from technology.” Malm/“White Skin, Black Fuel,” is an “Eminem,” white rapper-style knock-off of Franz Fanon and his 1961 book “Black Skin, White Masks.” Malm writes: “The role of the radical activist fringe is to instill in those who do not want to engage in active activism the courage to take to the streets and make their voices heard. To apply the lesson of Black Lives Matter to the climate movement is to seek modes of action that are equivalent to destroying the police station in Minneapolis or toppling statues. I’m not advocating violence against people, but I do think that property destruction has played a role in virtually every social movement that has achieved its goal.”This is a crude, less literate restatement of the argument in the opening chapter “Concerning Violence” of Fanon’s 1961 The Wretched of the Earth, itself an updated restatement of Georges Sorel’s 1908 Reflections On Violence. This is luddism in the cyber age, like “Unabomber,” but complete with the cyber-Dionysian world of addictive video-games and their participants. This can all be monitored in real time through, for example, Amazon’s recently-announced special Cloud arrangement with GCHQ, MI5, and MI6, a form of human data-mining for future deployment purposes.The new, social-media-driven environmental politics, with its self-appointed “guardians of the Earth,” will feel justified to take any recourse and use any means necessary, including violence. They will be personally anointed with the “responsibility to protect the earth,” augmented through drug use, along the lines of the old Eleusinian “mystery cults” of Greece. This Dionysian eco-horde, defining the destruction of civilization, and ultimately, humanity, as “a necessary sacrifice for the survival of the planet,” is to, through self-destruction, bring about the New Age, the “transvaluation of all values.” This “Great Game” is to be fought in “the Empire of the Mind,” or so the rather limited imaginations of the decadent elites of the delusional trans-Atlantic world prefer to believe.Both China and Russia display significant strategic restraint. The entries below document this. China, while quite explicit about the flaws in the Afghanistan political process, has insisted that nations must work with the Taliban authorities in aiding the transition to a more advanced form of government, or be held accountable for a willful genocide against that population over the next months. Russia, through slowly advancing talks with the United States on advanced strategic and tactical weapons systems; with Ukraine on natural gas and oil; and with a firm rebuke of the dangerously provocative statements of the outgoing German defense minister and others in NATO, keeps sanity “on the table.” The Indo-Pacific “Orcus” naval adventure, actually a pathetic revisioning of the British imperial “East of Suez” outlook abandoned in 1968, is already underwater, in a different way than it intended. Secretary of State Tony Blinken, in attempting to “bring Taiwan into the UN,” appears to believe, in defiance of the physical reality of the Covid pandemic, trans-Atlantic industrial and manufacturing collapse, and hyperinflation, and the counterposed physical economic achievements of China and its Belt and Road initiative, that he—or anyone—can turn back the clock to the “bad old days” prior to 1972, when the United States refused to recognize “Red China.”“Just as the spatial expanse and anti-entropic evolution of the universe are infinite, so is the intellectual and moral perfectibility of the human mind. Therefore, every additional human being is a new source for further development of the universe and for the solution of problems on Earth, such as overcoming poverty, disease, underdevelopment, and violence.” This is the efficient antidote to the Malthusian outlook of Malm, Blinken, and the British royals. “Taking care of each other is key in this ongoing development. It is the combination of creativity and empathy that transcends mere day-to-day exigencies. Scientific and technological progress has a positive effect in that, when applied to the production process, it increases the productivity of the labor force and of industrial and agricultural capacities, which in turn leads to rising living standards and a longer life expectancy for more and more people.” These conceptions, contained in The Schiller Institute/Clintel Wake Up Call” https://schillerinstitute.com/…/a-wake-up-call-the…/are the manifesto of an Anti-Malthusian Resistance statement, manifest in the Schiller Institute’s Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, that has significantly advanced through various actions in the past days. Most of all, this includes the Keynote given this past Saturday, “The Coming Fall of the House of Gaia,” https://schillerinstitute.com/…/the-coming-fall-of-the…/as part of the educational process for youth of the past weekend led by its founder, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, which should be studied by all, before the Halloween Summit
Ron Wieczorek
October 21 at 6:14 AM · Putin Says “Nyet” to Glasgow Attendance; U.S. Green Agenda in TroubleOct. 20 (EIRNS)—Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced today that Russian President Vladimir Putin would not be traveling to Glasgow to participate in the COP26 international climate change conference. Peskov would not even confirm that Putin would speak remotely, by videoconference connection, when asked by the press. He only offered: “The Russian side will be [represented at the conference], of course, we are in contact with the organizers, which is why we will tell how it will be [organized] later…. We should understand the format, in which it will be possible to speak at the videoconference, at which moment and so on. There are many factors here that we have to discuss with the organizers.”Reuters headlined its account: “Russia Says Putin Won’t Fly to Glasgow, in Blow for Climate Talks,” and commented ruefully: “The no-show by the leader of the world’s fourth-biggest emitter of greenhouse gases is the latest setback, with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also uncertain to attend.”But it gets worse for the Green New Deal Malthusian gang. NPR reported (to their chagrin) that the same governments that have made “lofty commitments” to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, “are still planning to extract huge amounts of energy from fossil fuels,” according to a new report from the United Nations. The report published Oct. 20 details how the largest fossil fuel producers plan to carry on using coal, gas, and oil. According to this report, it will more than double the amount of fuels in 2030.Nor do they have the U.S. in their pocket. Although President Biden is bending over backwards to “show the flag” as an “environmental warrior” at Glasgow, he is being stymied by the steadfast resistance to his attempt to abandon coal by two Democratic senators, West Virginia’s Joe Manchin and now Montana’s Jon Tester, both of whom are opposing Biden’s tax on carbon dioxide and methane emissions. “I’m not a big fan of the carbon tax. I just don’t think it works the way it was explained to me,” Tester said.
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Ron Wieczorek
5OcttoSber u4a2c6 pat l1171:18t28r mP4Md7 · Haiti Stands “at the Gates of Hell” Where Human Life Is UnbearableOct. 26, 2021 (EIRNS)—This was the headline in today’s edition of the Haitian online daily Haite Libre, describing the unbearable existence that citizens of Port-au-Prince and other cities face every day, because of the ongoing work stoppages and gang activity that have affected every aspect of human life. The armed gangs which make transportation by road of gasoline and diesel fuel impossible, also block trucks’ access to the main petroleum storage facility at Varreux, holding hostage 25,000 barrels of gasoline and 50,000 barrels of diesel fuel that should be going to gas stations, hospitals, communications companies, state water and electricity companies, etc. Yet, there is no functioning police force to deal with the gangs. As the Miami Herald’s veteran Haiti expert Jacqueline Charles pointed out in an Oct. 25 interview with Slate, the gangs are far better armed than the police and, as many observers have pointed out, act like a quasi-state, in the absence of a functioning state or functioning state institutions.So today, most hospitals in Port-au-Prince are not open except for perhaps a skeleton crew of a few doctors and nurses or a couple of medical students. There is no fuel for the power plants that keep the generators going that provide electricity for operating rooms or oxygen tanks. At Haiti’s largest cancer treatment center, X-ray machines and other equipment lie idle—there is no power to run them. Hospital director Kedner Pierre told CNN’s Matt Rivers that refrigerators have been packed with ice to try to preserve some chemotherapy medicines. The National Ambulance Center can’t deploy ambulances, because there is no fuel. The nearby Hospital Universitaire de la Paix is turning away pretty much every patient because, aside from fuel shortages, there aren’t enough doctors or nurses on staff. Personnel can’t get to work, or sometimes sleep at the hospital, as kidnapping is a risk for anyone traveling on the streets. Rivers concludes, then, “that one of Haiti’s largest hospitals simply isn’t functioning.” This is the case at every healthcare facility in the capital..But the damage doesn’t stop here. Fuel shortages are also affecting mobile telecommunications services whose antennas are powered by generators that can’t function without fuel. Digicel, Haiti’s largest mobile network, reports that 433 of its 1,500 antenna sites are not operational because there is no fuel for generators, Le Nouvelliste reports. The Haitian government department in charge of potable water and sanitation, DINEPA, warns of water shortages as it lacks the diesel fuel needed to keep operational its powerful generator that in turn supplies energy to the stations and pumps that supply drinking water. The state electric company, EDH, warns of blackouts. A former Haitian consul in the Dominican Republic, Edwin Paraison, who has lived in Santo Domingo since the 2010 earthquake, told Dominican TV yesterday that, obviously, Haiti needs the help of the international community to deal with the gangs and security situation. But, he warned, the solution must not be one imposed on Haiti by the international community, but rather the result of a dialogue between the international community and Haitian authorities and civil society to determine together a strategy to deal with the current untenable security situation.
Ron Wieczorek
3d · Biden Administration Declares Russians as ‘Homeless Nationality’Oct. 24 (EIRNS)—Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has accused the U.S. of turning “a technical procedure that’s banal in the 21st century into a real hell—at the heart of which is mockery on the verge of sadism.” Sputnik reports that she was responding to the State Department listing any Russian citizen applying for a visa as a “homeless nationality.”“For many years, U.S. diplomats have worked to destroy a system rendering consular services in Russia,” Zakharova said. “They closed down consulates, reduced the number of consular staff, experimented with how our symmetrical response differs from a mirror response. Can it really be that among the apologists of this dirty strategy no one has thought about the fact that they are destroying their own ideals of freedom?”The other countries’ citizens listed by the U.S. as requiring the “homeless nationality” status include Cubans, Eritreans, Iranians, Libyans, Somalis, South Sudanese, Syrians, Venezuelans, and Yemenis. Sputnik reports that citizens of these nations have their immigrant visa applications processed at U.S. embassies and diplomatic facilities in other countries—with Warsaw, Poland listed in Russia’s case.