United Kingdom Seeks Contract For “Excess Body Storage” In Preparation For Mass Death Event
UK government seeks contract for “excess body storage” in preparation for mass extermination event
Friday, August 06, 2021 by: Lance D Johnson
Tags: antivax internment camps, bioweapons, body storage facilities, death by vaccines, depopulation, extermination, food supply, genocide, medical treatment, morgue, temporary body storage, UK, Vaccine deaths
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(Natural News) The Westminster City Council is seeking “temporary body storage services” to prepare for mass extermination events over the next four years. These new facilities are being erected to store bodies in a dignified and respectful manner. Under code 45215000, the UK government is looking to secure contracts for construction work “for buildings relating to health and social services, for crematoriums and public conveniences.”
The UK government openly admits the storage areas are being erected “in the event of an excess deaths situation for the 32 London boroughs and the city of London.” The contract is set to last four years, as the government expects excess deaths in their five-year plan.
UK government planning for mass fatalities in the coming years
The UK government is building excess body storage facilities with “the over-arching aim” to provide “a single framework supplier that will be able to provide temporary body storage facilities to house deceased in the event of an excess deaths situation.” They write, “The deceased will be stored with dignity and respect, at locations to be determined based on local London needs at the time and will require some design elements to accommodate local site conditions and constraints, while being capable of rapid deployment, construction and commissioning to an agreed standard.”
There are plenty of indications that the UK government and others around the world are planning to starve and forbid medical treatment to people who do not comply with vaccine requirements. There is also plenty of indication that the vaccinated ones will be dying off even faster as spike proteins are programmed into their cellular chemistry, causing blood clots and forcing their immune systems to attack their own organs. Are these buildings being erected to house an influx of vaccinated citizens who were made more susceptible to new infections (through antibody dependent enhancement) compounding cardiovascular inflammation, and autoimmune attacks?
What’s next for deceptive, lawless governments that deprive people of their inherent rights?
If entire governments, mainstream media organizations and social media companies can all conspire to LIE about gain-of-function bioweapon experimentation; if they can obfuscate the public health response using fraudulent covid-19 PCR testing; if they can obliterate the scientific process and push deadly experiments onto the population through fraud and force, then what are they capable of getting away with, going forward?
If these powerful entities can terrorize people into oxygen deprivation and intubation; if these entities can scare people away from seeking life-saving treatments and medical care, while mis-attributing their causes of death, then what other evil acts will they commit to conceal their crimes against humanity? As lives are destroyed through lockdowns, isolation, mental illness, stress and hypertension, and deprivation of rights, these powerful entities proceed to force individuals into medical experimentation that has proven to injure and kill.
The UK government is currently seeking a contract for “excess body storage.” Like it or not, the people in charge of this worldwide hellscape are preparing for mass casualties, as global vaccine campaigns take out hundreds of thousands of people, attenuating human immune systems and putting pressure on viruses to mutate into more infectious and lethal forms.
Yes, those who are willing to kill, steal and destroy lives (while feigning empathy) will only go on to blame the “unvaccinated” for their mistakes, their human carnage, their culling. To cover up their tracks, they will unleash disinformation campaigns that seek to segregate and discriminate against the healthy, the free, the mentally well and the immune. These evil entities will ratchet up persecution against the faithful ones who believe their body is sovereign and belongs to God, not to government or the wicked rulers of the pharmaceutical world.
For more on worldwide genocide, check out Depopulation.News.
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