No One Wanted WW2 Except American & City of London Rothschild Banksters; They Will Use the Same Songsheet to Create WW3 But This Time America Will Be Bombed
In Spring of 1940, the entire British Invasion Force had been graciously permitted by Hitler to evacuate Europe, from Dunkirk. France then accepted Germany’s peace offer and was out of the war. In April of 1941, Churchill’s schemes to open up new fronts for British advancement into Greece and Yugoslavia were, as had been the case in Scandinavia, Belgium & Netherlands one year earlier, preemptively thwarted by the Germans. Meanwhile, over on the “other side of the pond,” the scheming Franklin Delano Rosenfeld had such a powerful anti-war movement to contend with that direct entry into the war which the British had started had seemed, at the time, very unlikely.
Mad Dog Churchill’s only hope of turning the Globalist-Communist war on Germany into his favor was to involve the monstrous regime of Stalin’s Soviet Union in a new “2nd front” eastern war against Germany. Toward that end, the British and Soviets — though mistrustful of each other — did indeed conspire in secret. Hitler was in a position of strength and wanted to make peace with Britain. Apart from never wanting war in the first place, the German high command also understood that Stalin’s secret scheme to invade Germany from the East (already known to Hitler) would probably not materialize if he could make peace with Britain or, better yet, even engage the UK into an anti-Soviet alliance.
1. 1941: In order to defend against a British invasion of the continent, northern France and the coastal areas remained occupied by the Germans. // 2. Poster from occupied France depicts “John Bull” and Stalin as part of “The Jewish Plot Against Europe.” If Germany could somehow have made peace with Britain, this plot would have been broken.
Rudolf Hess — a longtime friend of Hitler’s — was Germany’s 3rd in the line of command, behind only The Great One himself and Air Marshal Hermann Goering. It was Hess who took the dictation for Hitler’s Mein Kampf while the two were held as political prisoners in 1924.
In May of 1941 — again, with Germany in a position of advantage — Hess (who spoke perfect English) flew a dangerous 1,000-mile solo mission to central Scotland. He parachuted in and left his plane to crash. He carried with him an offer of peace that he wished to present to the Duke of Hamilton, whom he had been told was anti-war.
Hess was promptly arrested by a pitchfork-wielding local farmer who then alerted the authorities. The English-speaking German identified himself as Captain Alfred Horn and demanded to see the the Duke — a man Hess believed was part of the sensible British element that wanted to overthrow Churchill and end the war. Hess was hoping that Hamilton would arrange for him to meet King George VI, believing he could persuade the King to dump The British Mad Dog, make peace with Germany, and join an anti-Soviet defense alliance. The next morning, Hess revealed his true identity to the Duke and told him that he wanted to broker a peace deal between Britain and Germany. He was arrested instead. It has been speculated that Churchill knew that Hess was coming.
1. Hitler & Hess — as close as it gets. // 2. The Duke of Hamilton was sympathetic to Germany, but he was not in any position to oppose Churchill. // 3. The debris of the Messerschmitt from which Rudolf Hess bailed out over Scotland.
After his arrest, Hess was examined by Dr. Henry Dicks who, naturally, classified the heroic flyer as “crazy.” But Dicks did note how struck he was by Hess and Hitler’s admiration of the British (here), despite Germany having the upper hand in the war at that time. On Churchill’s orders, Hess was then placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the war. After the war, he would be “tried” at the Nuremberg Show Tribunals where, facing a possible death sentence, he fearlessly declared his undying allegiance to Hitler and to the cause before the Fake Judges of the US, UK & USSR:
“It was granted me for many years to live and work under the greatest son whom my nation has brought forth in the thousand years of its history. Even if I could, I would not expunge this period from my existence. I regret nothing. If I were standing once more at the beginning I should act once again as I did then, even if I knew that at the end I should be burnt at the stake.”
Tell it, Rudy. Tell it!
In 1946, the brave “Prisoner of Peace” was sentenced to life imprisonment in East Berlin’s Spandau prison. Other “Nazi” prisoners were eventually released in 1966, but strangely, Hess was not. Years later, with the liberalization of the USSR in the 1980’s, there was again talk of finally releasing the old man. But he was said to have committed “suicide” in his cell in 1987, at age 93. How conveeenient!
Hess’s family believed that he was murdered so that the details of his peace mission (most likely approved of by Hitler) would remain buried forever. Because he never got to speak (even his monitored conversations with family visitors could not touch upon politics or history), the “official history” — itself barely ever written about by Fake Historians — remains that Hess was a lone mad man on a mad mission. Move along — nothing to see here. But in reality, the Hess solo flight was one of the most remarkable events of the war — and one which, if its true purpose and Hitler’s approval of same were to ever become widely known, would tear to pieces the official lie of Hitler the warmonger who wanted to strangle England. Ironically, Stalin himself — whose informants were infesting the highest levels of British Intelligence by that time — later confirmed the true motive behind Hess’s mission and, indirectly, Hitler’s hand in the decision. As quoted in the Daily Mirror:
“The Germans expected a general coalition against the USSR… and that our country would be isolated. The reason why Hess was sent to England was to try to persuade the British politicians to join the coalition against the USSR. However, Hess did not succeed in his task.”
Thanks for that truth gem, “Uncle Joe.”
Stalin: “The reason why Hess was sent to England was to try to persuade the British politicians to join the coalition against the USSR.”
1. Dauntless and defiant, Hess speaks the undiluted, unapologetic truth to the puppet-scum “judges” of Nuremberg. // 2. Four decades later, the silenced hero was “suicided” (strangled) just as real hope was finally emerging that he would finally be set free, and allowed to tell the full story of his incredible adventure.