Fauci’s Decades of Scamming and Funding By GATES

Rand Paul Was Right All Along (
Johnnieb2 days agoThe main reason why Fauci/Gates took deadly virus from chapel hill North Carolina to Wuhan, China is to avoid our United states Geneva convention laws. They would have already been busted and at gitmo. This is all part of (“LUCIFER”) GHWB 1991 on agenda 21. This is all part of the Rothschilds illuminati Zionist banksters gangster’s plan to take over and rule the world out of Jerusalem. Many Many years ago, but first to depopulate planet earth down 500,000 to install their NWO, OF A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT RELIGION “ZIONISM” to be run out of Jerusalem by Nazi Zionist and to kill off the Christian faith of our lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST by injecting a gene therapy into humans to take control over your brain with 5G. Almost 100% of these DC older Politicans took the Israel Zionist INITIATION back in early 90’s 1991 1992. Now they changed the name to “THE GREAT RESET”. All pre planned to have population under 500,000 world wide by 2030 and no later then by 2055. Then if you don’t follow “ZIONISM” then your head comes off.