Petition For Cryptocurrency – SEC Wants to Make Cryptocurrency ILLEGAL!

Sign the petition

Tell the SEC that cryptocurrency must remain legal and free. Add your signature.

We live in a world where:

  • Big banks crashed the economy in 2008 with almost no punishment
  • Robinhood sides with the suits against the little guy without retribution
  • Big tech exploits and abuses us freely

And what does the SEC do? The SEC goes after blockchain and cryptocurrency, which is one of the best hopes the people have to take back control.

The decentralized LBRY network is used by tens of millions of people. The token has clear utility and is not a security. Under the standards established in the SEC vs. LBRY, Inc., nearly all cryptocurrencies would be deemed illegal to freely use.

We call on the SEC to drop this case and establish clear standards for the cryptocurrency industry in the United States.

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