NASA; Just Another ZIONIST Agency Controlled By Our Criminal Syndicate
NASA Staff Asked to Help Man Border Camps
By infostormer -April 6, 20212

The US-Mexico border is being overrun due to lunatic policies advanced by the Jewish-run government in Washington DC. As a result, NASA staff are being asked to help man the border camps.
NASA is of course the government agency best known for faking the Apollo moon landings back in the 1960s. They are a highly untrustworthy organization and have contributed almost nothing of value to the world of science.
The fact that an organization that exists only to hoax the American public with fake space exploration videos is being asked to help at the border just speaks volumes about a system that is rapidly following apart. The sooner this system collapses the better.
I also want these NASA assholes to admit that everything they do is a bunch of horse shit.