Fraudulent World Economic Forum (Represention ZIONIST Agenda) Claims Lockdowns Improving Cities-See Proof Below
World Economic Forum Says Lockdowns Improving Cities
By infostormer -February 27, 20210

The World Economic Forum put out a tweet claiming that lockdowns are improving cities around the world even though that is obviously not the case. They were somehow claiming that the lockdowns helped with the climate change hoax and that this is why cities were improving. Obviously this talking point is insane as lockdowns have totally destroyed city life and people are fleeing places like Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York in droves. Many American cities have been turned into third world shitholes because of these lockdowns.
The tweet was so ridiculous they deleted it and admitted that cities were not improving from the lockdowns. But they went on to justify these tyrannical lockdowns by falsely claiming that they have been an important part of the public health response to the coronavirus.
This is also a lunatic statement. The lockdowns are not an important part of the public health response to the coronavirus because it has been proven that the lockdowns did not stop the spread of the coronavirus. In fact, places that did not do lockdowns actually had less problems with the coronavirus spreading. The lockdowns have also caused infinitely more health problems as they have caused depression, suicide, drug use and other bad things to skyrocket. Not to mention all the other social and economic consequences we have witnessed.
It’s just nuts that these people can put out allegedly serious statements like this even when such statements are completely divorced from reality.
Los Angeles Looks Worse Than a Third World Country
By infostormer -February 27, 20216

YouTube commentator Jeremiah Babe recently went to Los Angeles and shot video of what was happening on the streets. He posted several videos including one from Skid Row and some of the surrounding areas.
The Skid Row video in particular is worth watching. The place literally looks worse than a third world country something of which Babe accurately notes.
Interestingly enough, the Marxist lunatic governor of California Gavin Newsom was touring the area at the same time Babe was there shooting video. Newsom was with an enormous security detail. They even had cops dressed up as homeless people. Considering that Newsom is one of the people responsible for this mess his presence was ironic to say the least.
He also shot video from the more wealthy areas of Los Angeles and there are similar types of things happening even in those places. There are boarded up buildings, closed businesses and “for lease” signs up everywhere.
These are scenes that you are not seeing on the nightly Jewish media broadcasts. This is real news and real reporting of what’s actually going on in the streets of America.
What this footage shows is that the American economy has already collapsed. People just haven’t come to grips with that fact. The crazy thing is that it is absolutely going to get worse. Just make sure you are prepared because this is going to be the worst economic collapse in world history.Previous articleLeftists Rage at Biden for Ordering Syria StrikesNext articleWorld Economic Forum Says Lockdowns Improving Cities