Why We Believe What We Believe Because of MEDIA! “Reality is 20 Times More Interesting Than Hollywood” Conspiracy Theory is a Pejorative Word Created by the CIA-The Biggest Liars in History!
Out of Shadows Documentary (downloadable)
Comment: He is talking about Satanic Occult Statues and stuff at private parties. He realized the Luciferian/occult world WAS REAL and then he had to admit for decades he had been fooled in Hellywood.
He then began to question his career from a perspective of seeking the Truth.
He became a man seeking his spirituality and found it.
FBI ALWAYS protects BIG Corporations as is reported here.
Mainstream Media is All Lies & Deceit.
Movie Studio Executives Work With Top People in Our Gov’t.
What we have is a CIA controlled Gov’t and CIA controlled media full of lies & disinformation.
The CIA answers to the British Zionist Empire comprised of British Royals, City of London Economic Center, Zionist Wall Street, Bankster Criminals, etc.
Hollywood kowtows to the CIA as Kevin Shipp who had his whole Life Career with the CIA. Motion pictures “used as psychological WARFARE.” right out of CIA’s mouth!
CIA are a bunch of SADISTIC PEDOPHILES at the top which included Herbert the Pervert Bush, Sr., Colby, Dulles and his son Avery Dulles, Cardinal,
‘Do We Still Need the CIA?’ Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the Central Intelligence Agency and US Foreign Policy
Paul McGarrFirst published: 27 March 2015 https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-229X.12106Citations: 1Read the full textPDFTOOLSSHARE
In May 1991, writing in the op‐ed column of the New York Times, the US Senator for New York, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, called for the Central Intelligence Agency to be disbanded. Arguing that the CIA represented an historical anachronism that had outlived its usefulness to American foreign policy‐makers, Moynihan proposed that the Agency should be stripped of its autonomy and have its intelligence functions subsumed by the Department of State. Moynihan’s rhetorical assault on the CIA marked the opening salvo in a protracted campaign that, over the following decade, until his death in March 2003, would see the one‐time member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence lobby relentlessly for reform of America’s intelligence community and against pervasive official secrecy. To date, Moynihan’s evangelical fervour in championing a more open intelligence paradigm, which came to incorporate the drafting of congressional bills, the chairmanship of a bipartisan commission on government secrecy, the publication of a book, and innumerable speeches and articles, has been interpreted in a narrow personal and political context. Commentators have tended to characterize Moynihan’s turn against the CIA, and towards government transparency as symptomatic of individual eccentricity, disenchantment with purported Agency excesses during the Reagan administration, and ill‐judged post‐Cold War hubris. This article breaks new ground by reframing and reperiodizing Moynihan’s relationship with intelligence. It suggests that Moynihan’s attitudes to intelligence and state secrecy were formulated much earlier than has hitherto been acknowledged, and in an environment far removed from Washington’s corridors of power. Specifically, the essay relocates Moynihan’s emergence as an advocate of intelligence reform in the global political turmoil of the early 1970s when, as Richard Nixon’s ambassador to India, he was afforded ample scope to assess the CIA’s utility as an instrument of American diplomacy.
Comment: CIA’s criminal MKUltra is Manufactured Killers Utilized in Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassinations…this is the actual meaning of this Acronym.
MKUltra is CIA’s ultimate control of an individual and to make these assassins into human Robots they Sexually abused them with Rapes, Sexual Tortures, Drugs, Endocrine Chemicals, Electroshock, Hypnosis, and anything that they thought could created a mind controlled robot that could be controlled to the point of Taking Away His Free Will. This is a SATANIC Project.
Ephesians 6:10-6:20
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.

The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.
This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for FREE for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.
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