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Science fail: Portuguese court rules PCR tests are unreliable, unlawful “evidence” of alleged Covid-19 infectionsBy Ethan Huff | Read the full story |
Jeff Bezos is about to become your pharmacist as Amazon partners with Big Pharma to drug America for profitBy Ethan Huff | Read the full story |
The Lincoln Project harasses, doxes Trump’s lawyers for uncovering election fraudBy Ethan Huff | Read the full story |
The Lincoln Project harasses, doxes Trump’s lawyers for uncovering election fraudBy Ethan Huff | Read the full story |
More of Today’s Articles
It’s obvious now, Fox News conspired against Trump
We all saw it unfold before our eyes election night, as the mass media pretended like Joe Biden had the lead from the outset, would keep it, and would be “patient” while an avalanche of …
Trump believes 2020 election was unconstitutional, and the evidence is piling up
President Trump believes the 2020 presidential election violated the U.S. Constitution, according to a series of tweets he has been sending out since November 15 – and there’s no shortage of …
It’s all rigged: case numbers, death certificates, vaccine efficacy, and the Biden Presidency
The 2020 Presidential election is just as rigged as Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) case counts, the fraudulent death certificates, and Big Pharma’s vaccine efficacy studies, and these FRAUDULENT …
Bankrupt Spanish company Scytl helped rig Biden’s election “win”
The United States military reportedly conducted a raid the other day on a facility in Germany that housed servers run by Scytl, a Spanish election technology company that is now being accused of …
So corrup: Dem-controlled Pennsylvania Supreme Court orders GOP poll watchers to ‘monitor’ ballot counting from an impossible distance
The path to reelection for President Donald Trump keeps getting narrower by the day, thanks to Democrats, their deep state operatives and partisan courts. If Trump campaign lawyers Rudy Giuliani …
“An empty gesture”: Sioux Falls, South Dakota approves mask mandate
South Dakota’s largest city, Sioux Falls, recently passed a mask mandate on Nov. 17 after six councilors voted in favor of the proposal. However, Councilor Greg Nietzert, who was one of the two …
Media says Covid-19 vaccine side effects are “proof” that it’s working
Pharma giant Pfizer is petitioning the Trump administration for permission to release its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine before the end of November, despite the fact that it comes with a …
After rigging election for Biden, Facebook officials now being rewarded with positions on fake president-elect’s transition team
Joe Biden’s “transition” team is gaining a number of former high-level Facebook executives, which makes sense considering these are the same folks that helped Biden “win” …
Data audit shows devastating effects of UK lockdown
A recent data audit revealed an increase in deaths, rates of depression and anxiety, hotline calls for domestic abuse and the number of postponed treatments in the U.K. after it went on lockdown …
Mutation has caused the coronavirus to become more contagious but less deadly, says new study
Recent studies have shown that mutation of SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind COVID-19, is not only becoming more prevalent but is also more contagious than its original strain. This potentially makes …
Survival essentials: How to communicate after TEOTWAWKI
Having the means to communicate forms a crucial component of survival. When TEOTWAWKI strikes, you’ll need to know what’s going on around you so you can plan properly and protect your family from …
3 Morning smoothies that can give you a healthy energy boost to start the day
Fruits and vegetables are essential to a balanced diet. Even if you’re always in a hurry to beat the rush hour in the morning, you can still start your day with an energy-boosting …
Dead fish carry toxic mercury to deepest parts of the ocean, study reveals
A new study has shown that carcasses of fish that once lived in near-surface waters sinking to the deepest and remotest parts of the ocean carry toxic mercury, contaminating the creatures that …
Beyond aromatherapy: How to use essential oils for natural healing
Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts obtained by distillation. Widely used in alternative medicine, these oils have been used by many cultures as natural remedies for centuries. …
Eating bitter melon is a great way to keep diabetes at bay
Momordica charantia, commonly known as bitter melon or bitter gourd, is a fruit-bearing tropical vine that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae (gourd) family. It is closely related to cucurbits …
Rosa damascena hydrosol found to reduce the pathogenicity of microbes and inhibit skin inflammation
Researchers at Teikyo University in Japan investigated the effects of Damask rose (Rosa damascena) water on the growth of Candida albicans and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) …
CO2 to the rescue: Elevated carbon dioxide concentrations can reduce the negative effects of drought on crops, study finds
American and Brazilian researchers evaluated the possibility of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations reducing the negative effect of drought on physiological parameters and the growth …