Communism is Anti-Jesus, Anti-God; Anti-Christian!
NOT a hoax: Chinese Communist Party warns Christians to renounce Jesus or starve to death
Monday, June 29, 2020 by: JD Heyes
Tags: Anti Christ, CCP, China, Christians, communism, Communist Party, cross, faith, jesus, persecution, religious figures, starvation, subsistence, threats, Tyranny

(Natural News) Anyone remotely familiar with the Chinese Communist Party knows that its leaders and members shun theocracy and religion because the only ‘higher power’ they want ordinary citizens to believe in, adhere to, and follow is CCP doctrine.
But they do more than simply ‘shun’ it: The CCP has a vile history of punishing citizens who believe in other deities and express faith in other entities. No one knows this better than members of the Falun Gong, a spiritual faith that is abhorrent to Communist leaders who cling to a policy of state atheism.
However, they aren’t the only group religiously persecuted by Chinese authorities, as the National Review reported in April 2019:
Indeed, it’s closer to the Spanish Inquisition — a convert-to-the-Communist-Party-or-die scheme that has spanned two decades and picked up four victim groups on the way: the Uyghurs in 1997, Falun Gong in 2001, Tibetans and House Christians in 2003.
And while thus far the number of ‘believers’ killed in pursuit and observance of their faith in recent years by Chinese authorities is nowhere close to the number of deaths in Nazi concentration camps, casualty rates could be about to skyrocket.
Bitter Winter, an online magazine that covers religion and human rights in China has reported that the CCP is now threatening “to take away the last means of survival from elderly believers,” which are the government benefits of “housing, food, clothing, medical care, and funeral expenses.”
So in other words, the CCP is telling elderly Christians (in this case) they must renounce Jesus and his teachings or starve to death, die of the elements, or perish from a preexisting condition.
“A Catholic from Fuzhou city in the southeastern province of Jiangxi has been receiving monthly 250 RMB (about $ 35) from the government since 2018, the year her husband died,” Bitter Winter reported.
“At the end of 2019, local government officials threatened the woman, in her 60s, that the subsidy would be withdrawn unless she removes images of Jesus from her home,” the online magazine continued.
“‘Because the Communist Party feeds you,’ they told the woman, ‘you must only believe in it, not God.’ Two months later, the pension was canceled because she refused to remove the symbols,” said the report.
There’s more.
The outlet reported that in late April, “community officials’ in Fuzhou covered the image of a cross in the home of an 80-year-old Christian woman, threatening to cut off her subsistence allowance if she did not cooperate.
City officials then began “return” inspections to ensure that Christian religious imagery that had been ordered removed or covered remained that way.
“During one of them, Civil Affairs Bureau officials threatened a Sola Fide believer in a nursing home, who has been paralyzed for eight years, to drive him out of the residence if he continued his belief,” the outlet noted further. (Related: Left-wing anarchist plan to scrub America of its founding history advancing rapidly as calls for removing Jesus from public areas now being heard.)
“His ‘five-guarantees’—government aid in the form of housing, food, clothing, medical care, and funeral expenses to people who cannot work and have no income—would also be revoked,” Bitter Winter noted.
This was after CCP officials removed images of Jesus from his room last year.
“The officials said that I am supposed to believe in the Communist Party since it feeds me, or else all my social benefits would be canceled,” the believer noted. “I won’t give up my faith no matter how the government pursues me. If it cancels my benefits, I will meet God earlier.”
The outlet reported additional instances of Christians being threatened with removal of subsistence if they continued to observe their faith.
And make no mistake, there is already an element of this authoritarianism and cruelty building in the United States — in the Marxist-Communist Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements.
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