Synagogue of Satan’s Color Programming Working Via CIA & Military
A Resistance Site For Victims of CIA, NSA, MI5 and Illuminati Mind Control

Flashing lights are key to MK-ULTRA.

Subjects are given drugs like scopolamine, which weaken the will and stop memories from forming.

They are hypnotized.

And they are implanted with cybernetics.
Click Here To Review 100 Patents for Mind Control Technology!

Their abusers shine colored lights and strobes in their faces.

Cisco Wheeler, the grand niece of General Earle Wheeler, the Head of Joint Chiefs of Staff, writes of color programming.
One of the things developed in the California Universities and then implemented at China Lake was color programming, which will be covered later in this book. Red and green were discovered to be the most visible colors for programming. Various colored flashing lights were used in programming at NOTS. Survivors of the programming all remember flashing lights. The use of flashing lights has been introduced into American culture by the CIA. If a person goes into bars and places where bands play, you will notice multi-colored lights flashing. The flashing lights create disassociation, especially in people who are programmed.
But what would she know about secret government programs?
Click Here To Learn from Cisco Wheeler about Illuminati Mind Control Techniques!

When I was a boy, CIA used Rubik’s Cube for hypnotism, as abusers turned it back and forth, up and down, in front of their victims.
Click Here To Learn about CIA’s Use of Rubik’s Cube in MK-ULTRA!
Early video games, like Simon, bombarded children with flashing lights and sounds, scattering their attention, while they thought they built memory skills.
Click Here To Learn about CIA’s Use of Simon in MK-ULTRA!
People were trained to go out clubbing, where they were hit with more flashing lights.

CIA could easily drug their drinks.
Click Here To Learn More about CIA’s Use of Date Rape Drugs in MK-ULTRA!

Casinos have similar dynamics.

Do you see the Star of Ishtar?
Click Here To Learn about Hidden Messages in Eyes Wide Shut!
Click Here To Learn Still More about Symbols in Eyes Wide Shut!

It’s just like the one at Central Intelligence.

The Illuminati run those losers.

And they love to make sick jokes at the expense of their victims.

They are gangsters.

It makes sense that they run Vegas.

Through IN-Q-TEL, CIA also runs Silicon Valley.
Together with NSA, CIA controls social media platforms–from Google to FaceBook to LinkedIn.
Click Here To Learn about CIA’s Use of Social Media in MK-ULTRA!

Together with NSA, CIA starts kids on the internet.
Click Here To Learn about CIA’s Use of the Internet against Children!

Together with NSA, CIA controls your television, another mind control device, with flashing lights, sounds, and programs.
Click Here To Learn about CIA’s Use of Television in MK-ULTRA!

DHS, NSA, and CIA watch you through tv….
Click Here To Learn How NSA Uses Your Television To Watch You!
The National Security Agency uses your smartphone to spy on you.
Social media giants have used gambling research to make their platforms operate like slot machines.
That makes sense since slot machines make more money than baseball, movies, & theme parks combined.

People become addicted to slot machines two to three times faster than to any other gambling.

Your smartphone is like a slot machine.

And it’s just as addictive.

Through their affiliates, CIA promotes addiction to technology, just as they promote addiction to gambling.

Everytime you check your smartphone, feeding it not money but attention, you play for a variable schedule reward.
This reward is enhanced through cybernetics, just as James Olds stimulated the pleasure centers in the brains of rats to elicit certain behaviors.
Click Here To Learn How We Are Like Rats To Them!
It’s like Pavlov’s dogs.

As you can learn from the Minds of Men, an excellent documentary on MK-ULTRA, Olds was part of CIA’s early cybernetics programs.
Click Here for an Overview and Clips from the Minds of Men!
You can watch the film in its entirety below.
NSA, CIA, and DHS promote internet pornography through similar methods.
Click Here To Learn How CIA Uses Pornography in MK-ULTRA!

They love to make jokes at their victims’ expense.

PROJECT MONARCH involves sexual slavery; and, since I fight the program, I have given its name to this site.

Look how the scum advertise our abuse with their slot machines.

In MK-ULTRA and PROJECT MONARCH, CIA uses the Wizard of Oz for programming.

In MK-ULTRA and PROJECT MONARCH, CIA uses Alice in Wonderland for programming.

I was programmed to Playboy.
Click Here To Learn about CIA’s Use of Playboy in MK-ULTRA!

So it shows up in gambling, too.
Click Here To Learn about Satanic Cartel Signaling in Playboy!

Some of my programming occured at a center where Marilyn Lange, the Playmate of the Year, was entrained under PROJECT MONARCH.
Click Here To Learn How We Were Programmed!

There I was programmed to Wonder Woman.
Click Here To Learn More about my Programming!

So, of course, she has a slot machine.
Click Here To Learn How Lynda Carter Worked in Las Vegas!

Marilyn Lange was programmed to Batman.

And she was also programmed to Star Trek.

So, of course, Batman shows up at Vegas.
Click Here To Learn about CIA’s Use of Batman in MK-ULTRA!

And so does Star Trek.
Click Here To Learn about Mr. Spock’s Hand Sign Below!

Ten miles from Las Vegas sits Nellis Air Force Base, a near-death trauma center in which satanic traitors rape, torture, and brainwash children.
Click Here To Learn How USAF Harbors Traitors, Rapists, & Pedophiles!

Like Schriever Air Force Base, Nellis provides a home to the Combined Air and Space Operations Center, which coordinates microwave attacks on Americans.
Click Here To Learn about the Symptoms of Microwave Harassment!
NASA is deeply involved in mind control, which Air Force calls the Mission.
Click Here To Learn about the Mission Run by USAF & NASA!
Nellis also houses the Air Demonstration Squadron, known as the Thunderbirds, whose imagery appears in cartel signaling.
Click Here To Learn about the Satanic Symbol of the Thunderbird!

The symbolism of Air Force badges and units is satanic–for good reason.
Click Here To Learn about Satanic & Masonic Symbols in USAF Badges!

The Thunderbirds make the Air Force look like fun, painting pictures in the sky.

They mock America, using sprayers just like the ones that dump aluminum, barium, strontium, slime mold, fungus, and nano-technology on our country through OPERATION CLOVERLEAF and INDIGO SKY FOLD.
Click Here To Learn More about Chemtrails, Smartdust, & Mind Control!

Their obscene symbols are picked up in the slot machines.

You can find loose slots in the casinos….


These unfortunate remnants of women are as full of cybernetics as the degenerate gamblers they solicit.
Click Here To Learn More about Gynoids, Cyborgs, & Robot Women!

Sexual images from other programs decorate the machines.

Charlie’s Angels is used extensively in MK-ULTRA.
Click Here To Learn about Satanic Cartel Signaling in Charlie’s Angels!

They’re secret agents just like James Bond.

Did you know that CIA uses the number seven for programming?
Click Here To Learn about CIA’s Use of Seven in MK-ULTRA!

Or that CIA uses MAD to lead children to depravity?
Click Here To Learn about CIA’s Use of MAD in MK-ULTRA!

This stuff goes back a long time.

People had cybernetics in their heads more than a hundred years ago.
Click Here To Learn about the Origins of Microwave Harassment!

Broadcasts were made from the Eiffel Tower.

Nikola Tesla had an experimental station not only in New York but also at Colorado Springs, where the Air Force would establish its academy.

That was long before gamblers could be hit externally by sounds, lights, and sensory overload to drive them into trance.

MK-ULTRA uses not only colors but gems for programming.

As Svali describes, the Illuminati use jewels to program those whom they consider high level slaves.
Click Here To Learn about Svali!

They turn people into zombies.
Click Here To Learn about Zombies and Satanic Cartel Signaling!

It’s easy to see what garbage Las Vegas is.

No wonder my hero, Joni Mitchell, turned down one million dollars to play there for a weekend.
Click Here To Learn more about Joni Mitchell, Her Targeting, & Morgellons!

But we must not lose the forest for the trees.

The mind control techniques that we see in Las Vegas have broader applications.

The New World Order uses computers, television, and smartphones to enslave America.

Wake up!
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