Colonize Mars, Not Iraq-Featuring Daniel Burke & Bruce Director (LaRouchePac)
Classical Renaissance, Space, New International Economic Order, Stop WWIII
Colonize Mars, Not Iraq — featuring Daniel Burke and Bruce Director
LaRouchePAC-endorsed candidate for US Senate, Daniel Burke, addresses our weekly Manhattan meeting. Bruce Director is joining us from Virginia.READ MOREJanuary 25, 2020Presentation

New International Economic Order, London-Saudi Global Terror, Stop WWIII
Why We Fight: A Patriot’s Guide Through Day Four of Impeachment (5 Biggest Lies So Far)
On Friday. January 24th, it is said we will see the end of the Democrats’ initial presentation concerning the impeachment of the President of the United States. They have droned on and on and on with the idea that repetition, and treating the television audience watching like children at story hour, will somehow win the day in the Senate of the United States. On Saturday, Jan. 25, the President’s team will begin to present his defense.READ MOREJanuary 24, 2020Lead
The 5 Lies of Impeachment & An Update on the War Danger
The 5 Lies of Impeachment & An Update on the War Danger
Harley lays out the five lies of the impeachment hoax which is being used to overturn an election. We’ll have the full picture on later today. Putin echos Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s call for a big-powers summit to demonstrate the common commitment among nations.READ MORE

New International Economic Order, Financial Warfare, Green Fascism, London-Saudi Global Terror, Stop WWIII
Mike Bloomberg: The Dossier
As the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump gets underway, it is now possible to clearly see the overall strategy of the world’s globalist oligarchy who are determined to remove him from office and swallow any remaining independence of the United States in the process. That strategy consists of (1) a drawn-out impeachment proceeding challenging the very premises of the U.S. Constitution and its presidential and electoral system, (2) a continuous mobilization of extant imperial assets in the Middle East and in other world hotspots to pull Trump into another endless war, and (3) the…READ MORE
Trump Responds to Impeachment by Declaring War on the Ideology of the Global Elite
On Tuesday, President Donald Trump marched into the Davos World Economic Forum, the most concentrated public gathering of global elites and billionaires on the planet, and delivered a stunning refutation of their anti-human, anti-progress agenda. Not only did Trump attack the Malthusian ideology of the “prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse,” but he directly challenged the green bankers sitting in front of him, attacking their desire for “absolute power to dominate, transform and control every aspect of our lives.”
But far more threatening to the enemies of mankind, was the President’s assertion that the creative power of the human spirit, oriented toward an optimistic future, is “strong enough to overcome any challenge.”

Those of you who are familiar with Lyndon LaRouche’s scientific breakthroughs in economics know that LaRouche located human creativity as the driver for increases in the physical productivity of labor. President Trump echoed those ideas with a beautiful reference to the building of the Duomo in Florence during the Renaissance, when “skilled craftsmen and laborers looked upwards” and used technologies which did not even exist when the project was started.
The Duomo of Florence
The cover of the book written by Lyndon LaRouche, when jailed by the same forces running the coup against the President
This was the President’s brilliant response to the attacks on his Presidency, on the nation, and on mankind. As Lyndon LaRouche taught us, you don’t fight on the enemies’ terms of battle. You take the fight to the highest level—the very nature of man and society.Lyndon LaRouche on Creativity and Progress
Thank you for your time. We’re always happy to hear from you.

Susan Kokinda, LaRouchePAC Midwest