Family Destruction & Children Less Likely to Succeed-Disenfranchised Children Sought For CIA Experiments

Phil Lawler
OPINIONFAMILYTue Dec 17, 2019 – 7:22 pm EST
Without children raised by their moms and dads, the US will destroy itself
Divorce, Family, Marriage, Single Mothers, Social Science
December 17, 2019 ( — When social scientists study family life, one factor trumps all others. Study after study confirms what common sense suggests: children are better off when they are raised in an intact home, raised by their mothers and fathers together.
The data are overwhelming, and they all point in the same direction. Children raised in a single-parent household are, statistically:
- less likely to perform well in school,
- more likely to live in poverty as adults,
- less likely to be physically healthy,
- more likely to compile a criminal record,
- less likely to earn a college degree,
- more likely to suffer emotional disorders,
- less likely to succeed professionally,
- more likely to abuse alcohol or recreational drugs,
- less likely to marry and stay married, and therefore
- more likely to continue the cycle of misery by becoming single parents themselves.
Yet despite what we know about all these problems, our nation’s policies continue to encourage single-parent households. Welfare programs encourage women to give birth out of wedlock, and penalize them for marrying the babies’ fathers. Lawyers paid by the government help women secure divorces, and social workers (again paid by the government) discourage reconciliation. Tax deductions and outright subsidies are available to parents who send their children to day-care centers — but not those who care for their children in their own homes.
Here’s another common-sense observation that social science confirms: If you subsidize something, you’ll get more of it; if you tax it, you’ll get less. Sure enough, after decades of misbegotten family policies, the US now leads the world — by a wide margin — in the one category most likely to produce societal disaster.
Today nearly one-fourth of all American children — 23% — are living in a single-parent household. No other country comes close to that mark. In most European countries the figure is in the low to middle teens; in Asia, below ten. In 1965, when Daniel Patrick Moynihan called attention to a crisis in the African-American family, he pointed to the rate of out-of-wedlock births: 25%. At the current rate the entire nation will surpass that rate within the next year or two.
The implications of that shocking statistic are predictable. Over the next generation — barring a dramatic change in our society — we will face higher rates of crime, drug addiction, welfare dependency, unemployment, emotional pathology, and, yes, family breakdown. (Oh, and by the way China, which is bidding to replace the US as the world’s superpower, won’t have the same problems; there the percentage of children in single-parent households is just 3%.)
Do you want to salvage our future? Save our children. You want to save our children? Save marriage.
Published with permission from
Excerpt From Fritz Springmeier’s Book: Deeper Insights Into The Illuminati Formula.pdf
SELECTION OF ADULT CANDIDATES FOR MIND-CONTROL There is an ongoing operation within the intelligence agencies to identify adults who would make good candidates for mind-control. For this reason, the CIA set up many years ago chains of weight-loss centers (as well as stop-smoking centers and stop-drinking centers) that help people with weight loss, & breaking drinking & smoking addictions. At these centers, people trained to identify clients with high levels of suggestibility have been identifying for the intelligence agencies, (esp. the CIA) potential mind-control victims. Intelligence assets are located around the country and even outside of the United States. The perpetrators try to look for individuals that come through immigration, who come into county clinics and hospitals, government hospitals, etc. who have the following initial attributes: a. they are over 120 I.Q. b. they are alone without a support team of family and friends c. they do well on their first session where hypnosis is clandestinely perpetrated on the individual d. they have other attributes that can be exploited to the advantage of the intelligence groups. If a person is identified at a weight-reduction center (which is a CIA front) as having a weight problem that needs to receive hospital treatment AND they are also highly suggestible, they will be subjected to mind-control while hospitalized. According to one source, IF the individual, who has been a. spotted, b. singled out and c. placed under hypnosis without their consent, d. looks likes a useful candidate for mind-control to the psychologists and intelligence field officers, THEN a file will be started and they will be placed in a CALL FILE. The initial hypnotic session may be in a dirty doctor’s office, or in some cases in emergency rooms. Dirty doctors working in emergency room settings are careful to work undetected by clean hospital workers. The hypnotic suggestion is implanted that the victim return at a particular date to a location where more detailed work can be done.
Comment: CIA runs these criminal, illegal operations and runs our phony media. They also answer to Satanic Anglo-Dutch Empire or top illuminutti criminals…TRASH with Flash. Much of mind control involves torture as this picture of Street Art in Begium shows.