EIR Daily Alert Service, Wednesday, May 7, 2019

Volume 6, Number 90
EIR Daily Alert Service
P.O. Box 17390, Washington, DC 20041-0390

  • We’re in a Countdown, Either to a Breakthrough to a Beautiful New Era, Or to War and Destruction
  • Obama/Clinton/British Spying Began in 2015 vs. All Potential Presidential Successors, Obama Enemies
  • Putin-Trump Call Launches New Diplomacy, as Lavrov and Pompeo Meet in Finland, Plan More Talks
  • Vice Premier Liu He To Head China Negotiators in China-U.S. Trade Talks Set for Washington, May 9-10
  • Iran Preparing Response To U.S. Sanctions, While Bolton’s Threat Looks Like a Replay of 2003 Iraq Invasion
  • Pompeo Insists Arctic Council Become a Geopolitical Arena, Confront Russia, Exclude China
  • Kiron Skinner and The Toynbee Factor in british Grand Strategy.
  • China Slams Kiron Skinner’s Racist Seeking of Clash of Civilization
  • Federal Reserve Warns of Risk From Leveraged Lending
  • The Exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche Is the Exoneration of His Ideas


We’re in a Countdown, Either to a Breakthrough to a Beautiful New Era, Or to War and Destruction

May 7 (EIRNS)—The events of the hour show we are in a global countdown, either to a breakthrough into what will be a beautiful new era, or a series of provocations ending in war and devastation. First, look at the strategic updates on the danger side.

Today, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Baghdad on a surprise visit, timed with hyped-up statements against Iran by National Security Adviser John Bolton. As of this writing, it is not known exactly what Pompeo may be doing. He suddenly cancelled a scheduled meeting in Berlin with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, saying only that there were “international security” matters involved. Pompeo left the Arctic Council meeting in Finland, to make the surprise trip to Iraq. In Iran, the government is considering what responses to take to the U.S. charges that Iran is a threat, and the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier is being deployed nearby.

Tomorrow, Pompeo proceeds to keep his original schedule, which is to be in Britain, to meet with Prime Minister Theresa May and Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, and to give a lecture on the “British-American Special Relationship.”

Unfortunately, this is in keeping with some of Pompeo’s activity yesterday, in a speech he gave before the opening of the eight-nation Arctic Council meeting in Finland. He delivered a vintage “British geopolitical” rant against China and Russia, denouncing them for all kinds of imputed offenses in terms of their activities in the Arctic, such as Russia intending to integrate its Northern Sea Route with the Maritime Silk Road component of the Belt and Road Initiative.

On the positive side, come some important follow-ons of the May 3rd phone call between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. Yesterday, Pompeo met in Finland with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. They each described their meeting positively, as “constructive” (Lavrov) and “good conversation” (Pompeo), and announced today that they intend to meet again May 14 in Sochi. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov further said today that if this upcoming ministerial meeting goes well, President Putin could also meet with Pompeo at the time.

In Washington, D.C. this week as well, despite difficulties, the 11th round of trade talks between China and the U.S. is to take place May 9-10. Chinese Vice Premier Liu He will lead his delegation.

Dialogue, as opposed to confrontation, is thus not only desirable, but possible. What is critical, is shining the light of truth to expose the British geopolitical efforts to sabotage all such initiatives. This is gaining attention in the U.S., in terms of exposing an embedded geopolitical nest in the U.S. State Department, called the Policy Planning group. It dates back to the 1940s, at the time of Churchill and Truman. The current Policy Planning Director is Kiron Skinner, who on April 29 gave a racist speech against the threat from China, which Chinese spokesmen have roundly denounced.

Plus, there is now more light exposing the British intelligence pedigree of the origins of the Russiagate operation against Trump and the Presidency, and broadly against many political figures before 2016.

What brings it into focus is the international campaign now to exonerate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. from the wrongful prosecution and many operations against him, which robbed the world of the benefits of the application of his ideas and methods. Seeing this clearly has the right kind of shock effect for opening the eyes and minds of humanity, to then pursue the beautiful vision for mankind which LaRouche so strongly presented.


Obama/Clinton/British Spying Began in 2015 vs. All Potential Presidential Successors, Obama Enemies

May 7 (EIRNS)—A bombshell in significant developments in the last days has shown that investigators of the coup are broadening their focus to the appropriate target: the British imperial complex. As LaRouchePAC has repeatedly emphasized, the “why” motivating the hands and feet of the coup must also be investigated on the broadest possible strategic level, at the same time. The oligarchs were desperate to prevent the re-emergence of the United States as a revolutionary force in the world, working with Russia and China in a new paradigm of economic development and exploration of the new frontier of space, as foretold by Lyndon LaRouche and as already in germ form in the early campaign of Donald Trump and in China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

Here are the key developments:

First, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) wrote a letter May 3 to the intelligence services demanding to know what the relationship was of Joseph Mifsud to Western intelligence services. Mifsud, whom Robert Mueller’s team of legal assassins called a Russian agent, was involved in setting up Trump Campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos, and is deeply linked to British intelligence. Appearing on Fox News, Nunes, who has been a key proponent of the “Russians Did It” line as chairman and now ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, questioned whether it was the Russians at all, or whether the pretext for the FBI investigation of the Trump Campaign was a plot heavily orchestrated by British and American spooks, reportedWashington Examiner on May 3.

Then, Andy McCarthy, the excellent legal commentator who has also ruthlessly promoted the “Russians Did It” myth, questioned that very premise in a must-read dissection of how Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI counterintelligence investigation of Trump, started, in a National Review analysis posted May 6.  He uses Mueller’s report itself to demonstrate that the premise cited by the FBI is entirely false and originates in a fabrication by British intelligence hand and Australian Ambassador Alexander Downer. “Downer’s report enabled the Obama Administration to cover an investigative theory it was already pursuing with a report from a friendly foreign government, as if that report had triggered the Trump-Russia investigation. In order to pull that off, however, it was necessary to distort what Papadopoulos had told Downer.” In concluding that the predicate for the entire investigation was fabricated, based on Mueller’s own findings, McCarthy repeatedly references the “British” side of the story, saying he is saving that until later.

On Hannity, May 6th, investigative reporter Sara Carter made the claim, based on her usually very reliable sources, that that the spying engaged in by the Obama Administration and its international partners was conducted on all individuals who were seen as political enemies by that administration, and did not just focus on the Trump Campaign. Carter appeared to shock Sean Hannity, who has kept his partisan focus on the Russians, Hillary Clinton, and evil-doers confined to the Justice Department and FBI buildings on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Also on May 6th, former CIA analyst and State Department counter-terrorism expert Larry Johnson filled all this out by dropping a very big, actual bombshell report to the “Sic Semper Tyrannis” blog of Col. Pat Lang (ret.), not to be confused with the very smelly fabricated bombshells manufactured by the mainstream media over the past two years. We are not in position to confirm all of Johnson’s reporting, since it based on his unusually reliable sources, but it is coherent with the clear rumblings as to what is about to be disclosed based on the three other reports above.

He writes that the CIA’s John Brennan worked with British intelligence to conduct an intelligence dragnet of every Republican campaign and Bernie Sanders, running surveillance and developing detailed intelligence beginning in the summer of 2015. “The information being gathered identified the key personnel in each campaign and identified the people outside the United States receiving their calls, texts and emails. This information was turned into intelligence reports that then were passed back to the United States intel community as ‘liaison reporting.’ This was not put into normal classified channels. This intelligence was put into a SAP, i.e. a Special Access Program.

“One person who needs to be called on the carpet and asked some hard questions is current CIA Director Gina Haspel. She was CIA Chief of Station in London at the time and was a regular attendee at the meeting of the Brits’ Joint Intelligence Committee aka the JIC. I suppose it is possible she was cut out of the process, but I believe that is unlikely,” Johnson writes.

Johnson then points to a decision within Hillary Clinton’s campaign, documented by WikiLeaks, to tar Trump with the “Russian” brush as of December of 2015. “Thanks to WikiLeaks we have Campaign Manager John Podesta’s email exchange in December 2015 with Democratic operative Brent Budowsky:

“ ‘That’s good, sooner it’s clarified the better, and the stronger the better,’ Budowsky replies, later adding: ‘Best approach is to slaughter Donald for his bromance with Putin, but not go too far betting on Putin re Syria.’ ” [Emphasis by Johnson.]

Johnson then states that he believes the British intelligence firm Hakluyt was hired directly by the Clinton Campaign for operations against Trump. Stefan Halper, Alexander Downer, and Sir Richard Dearlove, who otherwise steered Christopher Steele, in marketing his phony dirty dossier against the President, are enmeshed in this venerable British retirement firm for MI6 spies.  Downer, in turn, had a deep relationship to the Clinton Foundation.  The 16th century Richard Hakluyt was the British geographer credited with the idea for founding the infamous British East India Company, central to all British imperial operations.

When you add to it, John Solomon’s determined reporting for The Hill, exposing the DNC/Ukraine operation against Paul Manafort, you are close to what LaRouchePAC has said consistently, based on the emphasis placed by Lyndon LaRouche in analyzing the Trump election and the immediate attempt to remove him.  This is an international operation aimed against the growing potential to completely reshape the world, and the British imperialists and their American toadies were and are fighting for their lives.  In the context of China’s emergence as a major strategic power, the British set upon a course for regime change in Russia starting with the Ukraine coup in 2014.  This is the international playing field in which policy is made, and exposing this evil cabal presents an immediate and historic opportunity for a victory for humanity.

This makes even more urgent LaRouchePAC’s call for Bill Binney, NSA’s former Technical Director, to testify to the Congress, calling into question the myth that Russia hacked the DNC and John Podesta, the foundational premise under which the coup targeting both Donald Trump and Russia has so far survived. It is clear that Hillary Clinton was the reliable pawn for continuing the very dangerous Great Game, to be elected, no matter what the cost to this nation and the world.

Putin-Trump Call Launches New Diplomacy, as Lavrov and Pompeo Meet in Finland, Plan More Talks

May 7 (EIRNS)—Following up on the May 3rd call between Presidents Putin and Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held talks in Finland yesterday, which both described as constructive. Russia’s Foreign Ministry announced today that preparations are being made for a follow-up meeting in Sochi, one week from now, on May 14. When fully arranged, it will be officially announced, she specified.

Depending on how the Sochi talks go, “we do not rule out that Pompeo will be received by the Russian president,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also told reporters.

Lavrov and Pompeo spoke separately to reporters after meeting.

“We had a very good, constructive conversation. We discussed many regional issues that are on the current UN agenda and the international agenda more broadly. We discussed topics related to strategic stability. I think we took a fairly good step forward, following up on the telephone conversation that took place between President of Russia Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump several days ago,” Lavrov said.

Asked if the possibility of a summit between Putin and Trump was discussed, he said: “Our presidents agreed to meet when they have an opportunity. I am sure that such an opportunity will present itself and you will hear about it from the Kremlin.”

Pompeo likewise called it “a good conversation. We covered a wide range of issues and I think on every one have charted a way that we can begin to have positive conversations forward; that we have interests that are definitely different, and there will be places where we run into hard stops pretty quickly, but there is no doubt there was a desire to begin to try and find paths where we can make real progress on places where we have overlapping interests, as narrow as they may be. And I hope we can achieve that. I hope we can follow up and continue to do that…. I am sure I’ll see him again before too long as well.”

Their meeting took place after Pompeo’s pre-Arctic Council aggressive geopolitical speech. Lavrov fielded questions about Pompeo’s charges against Russia in the Arctic and differences over Venezuela, by answering that the two “tried not to focus on public statements considering that they are influenced by too many things that have nothing to do with real politics. We tried to concentrate on real politics and we succeeded in this.”

Vice Premier Liu He To Head China Negotiators in China-U.S. Trade Talks Set for Washington, May 9-10

May 7 (EIRNS)—The Commerce Department of China confirmed today that Vice Premier Liu He will lead their delegation to Washington, D.C. tomorrow, for the 11th round of China-U.S. trade talks, which will take place May 9-10. These plans are occurring in a tense environment, in which yesterday, reporters gathered at the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office for remarks by USTR Ambassador Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who stressed the differences between Chinese and U.S. positions on the trade accord being attempted. This media event followed on President Trump’s May 6 Twitter postings threatening to raise and expand tariffs on Chinese imports to the U.S., possibly to be announced May 9.  Also present at yesterday’s briefing, were the two other top economic figures in the Trump Administration, National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow, and Trade Adviser Peter Navarro.

Lighthizer’s main point, as reported by most major media, was that China is not sticking with what the U.S. expects. He said, as reported in the Washington Post, “Over the course of the last week or so, we have seen an erosion in commitments by China. I would say, retreating from specific commitments that had already been made. That, in our view, is unacceptable.” He called China’s changed positions “substantial,” saying, “Really, I would use the word ‘reneging’ on prior commitments.”

Besides extensive speculative commentary on the U.S.-China situation by trade groups, media, and analysts, there has also been a ratcheting up of expressions of extreme anti-China views, and a chorus of voices, especially including Democrats, cheering Trump on for being tough with China.

For example, today’s New York Times carries an ugly opinion column attacking Chinese President Xi Jinping for being “aggressively hard-line” and mis-judging the U.S. situation, by the former chief editor of the Hong Kong Economic Journal, Yi-Zheng Lian. Headlined, “Xi Jinping Wanted Global Dominance. He Overshot,” the op-ed states that Xi did aggressive things in recent years which “set off alarms among some Americans,” and both moderate and hawkish Americans alike now oppose China. “Mr. Xi, apparently oblivious to this sea change, was caught unprepared when Mr. Trump hit China with a tariff war.” So he concludes, “Like Mao with the Soviets, Mr. Xi may have challenged the global leadership of the United States too hard and too soon.”


Iran Preparing Response to U.S. Sanctions, While Bolton’s Threat Looks Like a Replay of 2003 Iraq Invasion

Flash: May 7 (EIRNS)—Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a surprise visit today to Baghdad, after cancelling scheduled meeting in Berlin with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas.

May 7 (EIRNS)—May 8 marks the first anniversary since President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, more formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). On May 8, according to today’s Mehr News Agency, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will be notifying the remaining five signatories to the agreement—Russia, China, Britain, France, and Germany, plus the European Union—that Iran will be reducing its commitments under the agreement due to the U.S. withdrawal. Rouhani will be sending a letter to the leaders of the five governments stressing that Iran has shown much restraint so far with regard to the JCPOA, while the U.S. has not abided by its commitments at all, leaving Iran with no other option than to reduce its commitments. In Tehran today, it is reported that the Iranian Parliament was meeting behind closed doors, about what its response options are.

In an earlier report Tasnim cited “informed sources” saying that Iran will exercise the rights granted to it by the JCPOA in the case one or more of the other parties fails to meet its obligations. Tasnim cites two paragraphs of the agreement, one of which allows Iran to go to the Joint Commission should one or more of the other parties not meet their commitments, while the second says that “Iran has stated that if sanctions are reinstated in whole or in part, Iran will treat that as grounds to cease performing its commitments under this JCPOA in whole or in part.”

In Washington, National Security Adviser John Bolton’s warning “message” to Iran on May 5 is beginning to look more like a replay of the Iraq WMD scenario of 2002-2003. Noteworthy in this, comes the revelation by prominent Israeli TV journalist Barak Ravid, that the Mossad provided the “indications” to the White House that Iran was preparing some kind of threat against U.S. assets in the Persian Gulf. Ravid wrote, in an article on the Axios news site, “Behind the scenes: Information about possible Iranian plots against the U.S. or its allies in the Gulf were raised two weeks ago in talks held at the White House between an Israeli delegation headed by national security adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat and a U.S. team led by Bolton, the Israeli officials told me.” Ravid quoted an unnamed Israeli official reporting, however, that the Mossad couldn’t provide any specifics about what actions the Iranians were contemplating taking.

Nonetheless, following Bolton’s statement, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the Defense Department rushed to proclaim that the Iranian threat was real and the U.S. was ready to take action against it. While in Finland this week, Pompeo declared that the U.S. would hold Iran responsible for any action targeting the U.S. in the Middle East, whether by Hezbollah, the Houthis in Yemen or any other proxy group.

At the Pentagon, Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan confirmed that the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln and a bomber task force were heading for the region, calling it a “prudent re-positioning of assets in response to indications of a credible threat by Iranian regime forces” and called on Iran to “cease all provocation.”

Not everybody is convinced, however, that the threat from Iran is real. A skeptical Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) charged that Trump’s “team of saber-rattling foreign policy advisers are all but openly shouting their desire for an unauthorized and unconstitutional war with Iran, needlessly putting American troops and their families at risk…. Congress must act immediately to stop this reckless march to war before it is too late.”

Trita Parsi, the founder of the National Iranian American Council, posted on Twitter, “This sounds completely made-up. Bolton is trying to make it look as if it is Iran that is itching for a fight,” in response to a post from CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr, who uncritically re-tweeted the Pentagon statement on the alleged threat. Parsi made the observation that “Bolton is on record having advocated war with Iran for more than two decades.”

Pompeo Insists Arctic Council Become a Geopolitical Arena, Confront Russia, Exclude China

May 7 (EIRNS)—Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is answering not only to President Donald Trump’s directives, but to the British Empire’s war party, on his May 6-9 Europe visit. On May 8, he is to visit London, to deliver the annual Margaret Thatcher Lecture at the Center for Policy Studies, as well as to meet top officials. His speech will be dedicated to “the Special Relationship that binds the United States and the United Kingdom in a relationship that has indelibly contributed to the prosperity, security, and freedom of both countries and our people,” it was announced.

His first stop was in Finland for a meeting of the eight-nation Arctic Council. Pompeo broke protocol, and gave a public speech prior to the Council meeting. There, he demanded that the Council, which has historically functioned as a diplomatic forum for cooperation on matters of mutual economic concern, become a forum for aggressive geopolitical conflict.

“In its first two decades, the Arctic Council has had the luxury of focusing almost exclusively on scientific collaboration, on cultural matters, on environmental research—all important themes, very important, and we should continue to do those. But no longer do we have that luxury of the next hundred years,” he said. The Arctic region “has become an arena for power and for competition. And the eight Arctic states must adapt to this new future.”

The number-one threat he named: China. He ridiculed China’s claim to being “a near-Arctic State,” and suggested its observer status could be withdrawn, because “China’s words and actions raise doubts about its intentions.”

He singled out Russia’s plans “to connect the Northern Sea Route with China’s Maritime Silk Road” as a grave threat. “This is part of a very familiar pattern. Beijing attempts to develop critical infrastructure using Chinese money, Chinese companies, and Chinese workers—in some cases, to establish a permanent Chinese security presence.” He dragged out the tired lies against the Belt and Road Initiative, of nations “ensnared by debt and corruption,” and wildly said that the entry of China’s BRI into the Arctic may create “the same ecological devastation caused by China’s unregulated industrial activity in its own country.”

“Then there’s Russia,” he went on. Russia “illegally” insists other nations request permission to pass through the Northern Sea Route along its coast, expressing “territorial ambitions,” just as it violently did in Ukraine, he said.

Kiron Skinner and The Toynbee Factor in British Grand Strategy

May 7 (EIRNS)—Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s unconscionable attacks against “Chinese activities, Chinese history, Chinese practices” while in Finland for the May 6-7 Arctic Council meeting, went so far as to imply that China’s alleged ethnic “re-education” policies are comparable to the Nazi concentration camps of the 1930s.

Finnish daily Helsingin Sanomat questioned Pompeo yesterday about his attack on China in his speech prior to the meeting. “All I did today was to lay down some basic facts that are indisputable about Chinese activities, Chinese history, Chinese practices,” Pompeo replied. He argued that China is a greater threat than Russia, because, while there are tensions with Russia, Russia is “a historical power,” and its economy is not growing. China, however, “has 1.5 billion people. They have a million ethnic minorities that they’ve put into re-education camps. That is a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. We haven’t seen things like that since the 1930s. But it is a growing country….”

Pompeo’s arguments echo those made by State Department Policy Planning Director Kiron Skinner at the New America Foundation on April 29, whose report in the Washington Examiner shocked China: both in why China is defined as the great threat, and the attack on Chinese civilization itself as the enemy.

This is no surprise. The Office of the Policy Planning Staff was created in 1947 as the critical point of British policy control into the U.S. State Department as part of the Churchill/Truman drive to root out the Franklin Roosevelt tradition from the U.S. government. Its assigned task is to shape U.S. strategy to conform with the British oligarchical outlook on history, culture, and the nature of man. The propagators of such ideas function at a higher level of power than the mere Mike Pompeos of this world, as Lyndon LaRouche developed in his July 1982 book-length study, The Toynbee Factor in British Grand Strategy.

The current Policy Planning Director, George Shultz protégé Kiron Skinner, is but latest in a long line of Anglophile policymakers who have held that post over the decades, including Paul Nitze, Walt Rostow, Winston Lord, Paul Wolfowitz, Anne-Marie Slaughter, among them.

China Slams Kiron Skinner’s Racist Seeking of Clash of Civilization

May 7 (EIRNS)—Chinese officials and media are warning that “it will be a disaster for all of humanity if China and U.S. descend into a clash of civilizations,” as Global Times Editor in Chief Hu Xijin titled his editorial video “Hu Says,” two days ago.

The warnings are in response State Department Policy Planning Director Kiron Skinner’s April 29 report that she is drafting a strategy for confrontation with China, modeled on George Kennan’s infamous 1947 letter urging for the Cold War with the Soviet Union, and based on the danger China represents as a different, non-Caucasian civilization.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang called it “simply absurd and utterly unacceptable to look at China-U.S. relations from a clash of civilizations or even racist perspective, which deserves every harsh rebuke and resolute opposition,” when asked about Skinner at his May 6 briefing. Both nations “gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation.”

In its May 5 editorial, Global Times pointed out that Skinner’s thesis is premised on “a false summary of Western civilization” itself. “Today’s world is vastly different from that of the early 1990s when U.S. political scientist Samuel Huntington put forward his ‘Clash of Civilizations’ thesis….

“Except for certain fanatical political elites inside Washington, few people around the world would welcome battles between civilizations…. The U.S. Department of State led by Pompeo is trying to mislead the world, but the world is not as stupid as they think it is,” Hu’s editorial insisted.


Federal Reserve Warns of Risk from Leveraged Lending

May 7 (EIRNS)—The Federal Reserve has woken up to the risk represented by the leveraged loans bubble to the financial system. Leveraged loans are loans to indebted and overindebted companies which are often packaged in securities called Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLOs), in a way similar to how subprime loans were packaged in mortgage-backed securities in 2008.

Leveraged loans grew by 20% in 2018 to $1.1 trillion, according to the Fed’s Financial Stability Report for May 2019, released yesterday. It has continued growing in the first quarter of 2019 (according to the Bank for International Settlements, that is 70% of global CLOs).

Risks associated with leveraged loans have “intensified, as a greater proportion are to borrowers with lower credit ratings and already high levels of debt….” the report says. “Any weakening of economic activity could boost default rates and lead to credit-related contractions to employment and investment among these businesses.”

If there is a downturn in the economy, corporate insolvencies can trigger a chain-reaction among megabanks, all of which have underwritten or bought CLOs, or have lent money to vehicles and other entities that have invested in CLOs.

But the Fed claims that the Titanic—pardon, the system—is safer with CLOs now than with mortgage-backed securities in 2008, as CLOs are structured in a more secure way.


The Exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche Is the Exoneration of His Ideas

May 7 (EIRNS)—The exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche, who was imprisoned in 1989 by the same British and American intelligence forces behind the coup attempt against President Donald Trump, is the unique shock which will demonstrate to the world that the United States has returned to its founding, anti-oligarchical principles.

Those who knew, loved, admired, and respected the economist, statesman, and philosophical thinker LaRouche will gather at a Memorial in New York City, and at satellite meetings with livestream connection to the New York Memorial, in different parts of the nation on Saturday, June 8, to honor this greatest of Americans.

LaRouchePAC and the Schiller Institute are engaged at the same time in a drive for President Donald Trump to exonerate Lyndon LaRouche. That exoneration is urgent to allow Americans and world citizens to freely study and reflect on the ideas generated by LaRouche which can now be realized. Ideas such as the New Silk Road; the Four Powers agreement among the United States, Russia, China and India; the establishment of a new international financial system based on Hamiltonian principles; international cooperation in a Moon-Mars space program; and a restoration of Classical education in music and science.

The case of Italy shows that the drive for exoneration and the drive for the new win-win paradigm of cooperation are one and the same. Here is a first list of signers for the exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche from Italy:

1) Sergio d’Elia, former member of the Italian Parliament, who in 1993 took the point in gathering 80 signatures, many of them also parliamentarians, for the exoneration of LaRouche.

2) Rosario Mancino, Italian Parliamentary Aide

3) Senator Roberta Mura, former member of the Italian Senate, now a Regional Councilman

4) Senator Toni Iwobi, Nigerian-born member of Italian Senate, Vice Chair Foreign Relations Committee, Lega Party

5) Antonino Galloni, Economist, Author

6) Carlo Levi Minzi, Pianist, and founding participant in the Schiller Institute

7) Gianmarco Sanna, Violinist, Director of the Camerata Geminiani ensemble, which plays at A=432.

Join our campaign, circulate and sign our petition, which you can access from the Schiller Institute’s website.

Reach us at eirdailyalert@larouchepub.com or call 1-571-293-0935

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