Biblical: Water Turns Blood Red Around Hormuz in Iran
By MsSophie | May 22, 2019 | Comments0 Comment
SeriousTimesI was just thinking about the same thing this morning, how man uses all types of fillers to take the place of the Lord, Like alcohol, drugs, tobacco, food, mankind is always trying to fix the craving. That’s why Jesus says as disciples we must die to the flesh. Because he can’t fill us up properly if we use The worlds methods. I’ve been struggling with this on a personal note. We must find that balance with somethings and totally Stop doing other things. God BlessAudrey MillerSeriousTimes so very true. The flesh (sin) is a temporary fill up leading into all sorts of other things but the spirit of addiction comes to mind. So many “things”are being used to try and “fill” that which only Yahweh can. Satan keeps the sinful cycle going when we don’t crucify the flesh daily. This has been spoken loud and clear to me by the Lord for months now about my own home. We are now aware of the importance of it. I am a natural practitioner and I see it in my clients and patients where they are searching to be filled up, they are not well in both their physical and emotional (spiritual) body because they’re searching out the world for empty “things” “idols” that can not fulfil that which God can. Thank you for your words. Be blessed and encouraged today in Jesus name.