What does Michael Jackson’s lyrics “kick me, kike me” mean in the song They Don’t Care About Us?
My take on this is he is talking about the Global Elite who call theirselves ‘Jews’ but are the Zionists running the Music Industry, Lying about History who were taking Michael Jackson down using their Zionist owned Media with the Paedo scandals to destroy him. RIP Michael Jackson; I do believe you were murdered and guess who have their hands on your publishing rights now? You got it-your family sold them back to these people for millions.

‘he is saying absolutely true what Jews politics are doing with all the world. you peoples better understand ‘
The Evil Global Mafia is the Rothschild ZIONIST/British-Dutch ZIONIST Empire |
THURSDAY / APRIL 4, 2019 |
- This was the fourth single released from Jackson’s 1995 album HIStory.
- The song generated controversy for Jackson when he was accused of penning anti-Semitic lyrics. Upset at the media scrutiny it generated, Jackson issued multiple apologies, insisting that he wasn’t intending to get at any member of the Jewish community and re-recorded the track. In the US, radio stations were reluctant to play the controversial composition and it only reached #30. In Europe it was more successful, reaching the top ten of most countries.
- Two music videos were filmed, both directed by Spike Lee. One featured a handcuffed Jackson in prison, interspersed with real footage of police attacking African Americans and other human rights abuses. The second video showed Jackson dancing with his fans in Brazil. Jackson’s presence in Rio de Janeiro’s drug-run Dona Marta was the first step in the favela’s transformation. “This process to make Dona Marta better started with Michael Jackson,” Claudia Silva, press liaison for Rio’s office of tourism told Rolling Stone. “There are no
drug dealers anymore, and there’s a massive social project. But all the attention started with Michael Jackson.”
NY Times: In Rare Speech to Congress, NATO Leader Says Allies Must Deter Moscow
In a rare speech to a joint session of Congress, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stressed the importance of the military alliance between Europe and the United States and a need to stand up to Russia.
REBUTTAL BYNext to being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, perhaps the surest indicator that a foreign personage is a treasonous Globalist rat who should be summarily executed on the spot is if that individual gets invited to address a joint session of the United States Congress. NATO’s Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg,really stunk up the joint the other night with his tiresome Russia-bashing so typical of the International Left. But why would anyone be surprised? Wikipedia’s bio on this warmongering swine reveals his Red streak thusly: “Stoltenberg’s first steps into politics came in his early teens, when he was influenced by his sister Camilla, who at the time was a member of the then Marxist–Leninist group Red Youth.” In addition to being a Putin-hater and a critic of some of Trump’s policies, Stoltenberg, formerly the Prime Minister of Norway, is also a hardcore Global Warmist and a mandatory universal vaccination fanatic. The fact that Republican’t Senate Leader Bitch McConnell would combine with Demonrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to grant this piece of filth the high honor of addressing Congress again demonstrates the level of treason still entrenched within the upper ranks of the Republican’t Party. Stoltenberg with Merkel, Macron, Poop Frankie — All part of the same EVIL Globalist Mafia. Stoltenberg’s absurd warnings about Russia mimic the bullshit dumped by Sulzberger’s Slimes and the rest of the Piranha Press day in and day out. While assuring the audience of DC traitors and dunces that NATO wants good relations with the Russian Bear, stealthy Stolty repeated the same old litany of monstrous lies regarding Russia’s “annexation” of Crimea in 2014, its “cyber aggression,” its “assassination campaigns,” its support for Assad of Syria, and its “interference” in foreign elections. Ah, show us the shekels, Stolty. Show us the shekels. The truth of the matter is that NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), from its inception in 1949 to the present day, has never been a “peace-keeping” alliance. Exactly to the contrary, NATO is a war-making machine serving the interests of the One Worlders. Indeed, among the religious devotees and dupes of NWO Globalism, NATO ranks right up there with the United Nations, the European Union, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund as “indispensable” institutions of “global stability.”The initial beginnings of NATO actually trace back to the Treaty of Brussels of 1948 among Belgium, France, the Netherlands and the UK — four European states which had conspired to start World War II in the first place. Economically ravaged and militarily weakened by the war, and hence, vulnerable to hidden US-CIA domination; the four dying colonial powers agreed upon a mutual defence system which would soon include all of Western Europe plus the USA.The Alliance’s first Secretary General, Lord Ismay, explained that the aims behind the new military bloc were to: “keep the Russians (Soviets) out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”NATO, after having achieved all three of the objectives set forth by Ismay, and after outliving the Soviet Union and its Eastern European vassal governments, has since expanded eastward into a 29-member force — adapting the “keep the Russians out” element into one of “menace the Russians.” Admiral Vladimir Komoyedov, defense committee chairman of the Russian Duma (lower house of Parliament), puts it this way: “They would even admit the North Pole to NATO for the purpose of encircling Russia.” 1. The destruction and unconditional surrender of Germany (1945) and the establishment of the CIA (born 1947) enabled the Globalists to begin shaping the corrupted and libtarded European Union of today. 2. The eastward-expanding NATO (born 1949) is also a key element of the New World Order. As we saw with the barbarism unleashed upon Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Libya, NATO is a violent, dangerous and cruel war machine whose suicidal game of “chicken” with Russia is intended to kick off World War III. In recent years, the Alliance has stationed many thousands troops while staging large scale war-games in Eastern Europe — all part of an effort to bait Putin into drawing “first blood.”NATO is and has always been, a great big lie — which was why the conservative anti-communist legend, Senator Robert A. Taft (R-OH) voted against NATO membership in 1949. In a speech following his “No” vote, Taft said: “A joint military program has already been made… It thus becomes an offensive and defensive military alliance against Russia. I believe our foreign policy should be aimed primarily at security and peace, and I believe such an alliance is more likely to produce war than peace. A third world war would be the greatest tragedy the world has ever suffered. Even if we won the war, we this time would probably suffer tremendous destruction, our economic system would be crippled, and we would lose our liberties and free system just as the Second World War destroyed the free systems of Europe. It might easily destroy civilization on this earth…” Tell it Senator. Tell it! 1. In 1949, Robert Taft — “Mr. Republican” — warned that NATO would actually be an offensive organization that could one day drag the United States World War III. By that time, Taft was on track to become president in 1952. The Globalists then recruited NATO Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower to literally steal the nomination from Taft at the 1952 GOP convention. (Read “I Don’t Like Ike,” by M S King) 2 & 3. The merciless and murderous bombardment of Yugoslavia and Libya dispelled the myth of NATO existing as a “defensive” organization. Nothing has changed since Taft’s times. If anything, the arguments in favor of keeping NATO in existence are now even more absurd. Not a single one of the NATO member nations and mini-nations faces any external threats from Russia — and nor do any of the states still being considered for expanded membership, like Ukraine and Georgia. For the sake of “world peace ™,”we really need to get the heck out of NATO — and as a lesson to others, we should beat and then lynch human filth such as Stealthy Stoltenberg from the Washington monument. Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today’s New York Times that the Secretary General of NATO just addressed the US Congress and Senate.Boobus Americanus 2: Post World War II organizations such as the UN, the Common Market and NATO have kept Europe at peace for 70 years. * St. Sugar: Yeah — The “peace” of ensslavement! You frickin’ idiot! Editor: In the lingo of Globalese, “peace” is defined as the total absence of opposition to (((them))). COMMENTS / FEEDBACK / INSULTS / KUDOS Email address:Comments: greattomatobubble2@gmail.com |
My Comment: All these leaders above are ZIONISTS. They are the Synagogue of Satan and it is REAL.