Trump Has Adopted Make Israel Great Again As Opposed to Make America Great Again=Super Zionist!
Trump’s Approval Rating Plunges to an All-Time Low
By infostormer -April 23, 20192

A new poll is showing Donald Trump’s presidential approval at an all-time low. Everyone is blaming this on the Mueller report but it really has nothing to do with that.
President Donald Trump’s approval rating has dropped 5 points, equaling his presidency’s low-water mark, since last week’s release of the special counsel report into the 2016 election, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.
Despite his sinking poll numbers, however, there is little support for removing Trump through the impeachment process, the poll shows.
Only 39 percent of voters surveyed in the new poll, which was conducted Friday through Sunday, approve of the job Trump is doing as president. That is down from 44 percent last week and ties Trump’s lowest-ever approval rating in POLITICO/Morning Consult polling — a 39 percent rating in mid-August 2017, in the wake of violence in Charlottesville, Va.
Nearly 6 in 10 voters, 57 percent, disapprove of the job Trump is doing.
But while views of Trump have tumbled since the publication of Robert Muller’s redacted report, so has support for impeaching him. Only 34 percent of voters believe Congress should begin impeachment proceedings to remove the president from office, down from 39 percent in January. Nearly half, 48 percent, say Congress should not begin impeachment proceedings.
The reason why his approval is so low is that over the past four months, he has transparently abandoned his core supporters. He’s failed to secure the border, hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are flooding in, the wall has not been built, he’s embarked on a weird agenda to overthrow Venezuela’s government, peace talks with North Korea have fallen apart and he’s done non-stop shilling for Israel.
The American people voted for secure borders and an end to all neocon foreign misadventures. Instead, we are getting the exact opposite of this. It’s just been non-stop Jewish bullshit for the past four months.SHAREFacebookTwitter