Natural News

NYC Mayor de Blasio declares the govt. owns your bodyThe latest insanity involving medical fascism and government tyranny is found in New York City, where Mayor de Blasio has declared the government owns your body.According to de Blasio, the government can force you to be injected with anything that’s falsely labeled a “vaccine,” including radioactive chemicals, aborted human fetal cells, toxic industrial waste, deadly pathogens or anything they can imagine.You have no right to say no. You are a slave to the medical police state.See the full, shocking story here.
Also today: The arrest of Julian Assange was actually triggered by DOJ AG William Barr telling the world that yes, Obama’s deep stateoperatives spied on Trump campaign officials. Now, the deep state is in a total panic, and they are pulling out all the stops to try to frame Trump and derail the DOJ investigation that will reportedly lead to criminal indictments by June.

The American people need to rise up and defend Julian Assangeand denounce the deep state, Barack Obama’s countless crimes, and the entire left-wing coordinated coup that tried to overthrow the United States of America and turn it into a left-wing fascist regime run by criminals and tyrants.Read my full analysis here.
New Videos from Brighteon
U.S. Congressman Adam Schiff Demands Vaccine CensorshipWatch this videoSecrets Of The Julian Assange Affair And His Plea To Trump For HelpWatch this videoUS Deep State Behind Arrest And Persecution Of AssangeWatch this video
Featured Articles
How is what Julian Assange has done with Wikileaks any different than U.S. newspaper coverage of Watergate or the Pentagon Papers?By JD Heyes | Read the full story
Cannibalism next? Socialism’s collapse of Venezuela now leading to citizens looting human corpses for anything that can be traded for foodBy Ethan Huff | Read the full story
Sponsor: Urgent: Don’t use probiotics before you see thisMore than luck: 565 M years ago, Earth was “on the verge of collapse”By Vicki Batts | Read the full story
Amazon to exit collapsing liberal “sanctuary city” Seattle as drug addiction, homelessness and high business taxes make the Leftist stronghold increasingly uninhabitableBy Ethan Huff | Read the full story
Sponsor: Organic, lab-verified storable food supply made completely without junk ingredients or GMOs.
Insanely dishonest “mainstream media” now pretending that Obama’s caging of migrant children was his humanitarian way of “protecting” themBy JD Heyes | Read the full storySponsor: Reap the benefits of two nutritional powerhouses with this Pure Microalgae Superfood BlendBack in stock at the Health Ranger Store: Glyphosate-Tested Organic Hemp Seed Oil
Health Ranger Select Organic Hemp Seed Oil is the cleanest hemp seed oil we’ve ever sourced and we have meticulously lab-tested it for heavy metals, microbiology, and glyphosate. Since it’s derived only from the seeds, it contains no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Instead, it’s packed with minerals, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and more. Our premium-grade oil is vegan, non-GMO, non-China, and certified organic and Kosher.Learn More »
More of Today’s ArticlesProbiotics not only address digestive issues, they can also boost your heart health and strengthen your immune system
Are you getting your daily dose of probiotics? Many people think probiotics are only necessary after a round of antibiotic medication, but the truth is that you can benefit from probiotic and …Would you drink juice with arsenic and lead? Study shows 50 percent of juices tested contain toxic heavy metals
If the high sugar content isn’t enough to deter you from drinking juice – or giving it your children – you need to know that you could also be drinking something far worse: heavy metals. This is …THC vs. CBD: Understand the benefits of each to get the most out of medical marijuana
As the controversial issue of medical marijuana use is coming to a head in many states,now is also the time for people to understand its many uses and benefits. While some people believe that …
A quick and easy guide to understanding antioxidants – and why you benefit from them
Antioxidants protect cells and tissues from the harmful effects of toxic molecules called free radicals. In doing so, they help prevent the appearance of serious diseases that are connected to …
Why is Amazon still colluding with discredited “hate map” smear group SPLC?
A group known as Citizens for Corporate Accountability (CCA) has sent a letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos petitioning him to cut all ties with the corrupt Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and its …
U.K. government to roll out “Project Maggot”: Unusual treatment will clean the wounds of people in war zones like Syria and Yemen
The planning to send an odd but effective form of humanitarian aid to war-torn countries: Batches of sterile medical maggots that can naturally clean the wounds of patients by eliminating …
Instagram now labels pro-life speech “hate speech,” begins banning everything
Those who control and run the Facebook-owned Instagram app are on another binge censorship spree, as yet another conservative-leaning page has had some of its content censored for supposedly …
Boost your mood with these 10 natural supplements
Are you feeling down and depressed? Try taking one of these natural supplements to boost the serotonin levelsin your brain, thereby improving your mood and providing protection from the onset of …
Curcumin found to be one of the best natural ways to alleviate depression
Curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric (Curcuma longa), is the closest thing that people have to a silver bullet. Studies have shown that it can be used to treat a laundry list of …This little-known relaxation technique is extremely effective at reducing stress
Stress is something that many people struggle with. It manifests itself in different forms of emotional discomfort accompanied by physical symptoms such as headache, chest pain, upset stomach, …The pointed gourd can lower your blood sugar, help you with cholesterol and prevent tumors, researchers find
Pointed gourd, scientifically known as Trichosanthes dioica, is one of the most commonly consumed vegetables in tropical countries around Asia, particularly in Bangladesh and India. But …Study: Silica nanoparticles can help promote stem cell growth
The cells in your body all serve a very specific purpose, but stem cells are basic cells that have the power to become nearly any type of cell your body needs. Doctors and researchers alike have …Study shows that vitamin D can help lower your risk of Type 2 diabetes
The prospect of developing type 2 diabetes is a frightening one given all that managing the disease entails. For many people, it will involve regular finger prick tests and a host of …Can acupuncture improve PCOS?
To evaluate the efficacy of acupuncture in treating polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), researchers from Korea compiled and reviewed studies that involved randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of …Wild banana demonstrates significant potential as natural diabetes cure
In a study published in theJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, researchers from India evaluated the seeds of Musa balbisiana Colla. or wild banana – a species native to South Asia – …
Sea bilberry is a powerful natural antidepressant due to its strong antioxidant properties
The antioxidant and antidepressant properties of the sea bilberry (Vaccinium bracteatum) could be linked to its ability to regulate cellular apoptosis caused by stress, suggested researchers …
Decreased deep sleep linked to cognitive decline and early signs of Alzheimer’s, warn researchers
Have you been having problems getting enough deep sleep? A new study warned that people who suffer from changing sleeping patterns could already be experiencing the initial symptoms of cognitive …Natural TCM cures found to be effective in treating asthma
The person who coined the expression “stop and smell the roses” for enjoying life’s little things clearly hadn’t met a person suffering from asthma. This chronic condition, …
Better together: Research suggests combining fenugreek seeds and garlic for better heart health
Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, which is why the importance of keeping the heart healthy has always been emphasized. Studies have shown that keeping your cholesterol level …
Safflower seeds prevent kidney damage caused by chemotherapy
Safflower seed extracts can protect the kidneys from the adverse effects brought about by cisplatin treatment, according to a multi-university study in South Korea. Their findings appeared in The …
NYC Mayor de Blasio declares the govt. owns your bodyThe latest insanity involving medical fascism and government tyranny is found in New York City, where Mayor de Blasio has declared the government owns your body.According to de Blasio, the government can force you to be injected with anything that’s falsely labeled a “vaccine,” including radioactive chemicals, aborted human fetal cells, toxic industrial waste, deadly pathogens or anything they can imagine.You have no right to say no. You are a slave to the medical police state
.See the full, shocking story here.
Also today: The arrest of Julian Assange was actually triggered by DOJ AG William Barr telling the world that yes, Obama’s deep stateoperatives spied on Trump campaign officials. Now, the deep state is in a total panic, and they are pulling out all the stops to try to frame Trump and derail the DOJ investigation that will reportedly lead to criminal indictments by June.

The American people need to rise up and defend Julian Assangeand denounce the deep state, Barack Obama’s countless crimes, and the entire left-wing coordinated coup that tried to overthrow the United States of America and turn it into a left-wing fascist regime run by criminals and tyrants.
Read my full analysis here.
New Videos from Brighteon
U.S. Congressman Adam Schiff Demands Vaccine CensorshipWatch this videoSecrets Of The Julian Assange Affair And His Plea To Trump For HelpWatch this videoUS Deep State Behind Arrest And Persecution Of AssangeWatch this video
Featured Articles
How is what Julian Assange has done with Wikileaks any different than U.S. newspaper coverage of Watergate or the Pentagon Papers?By JD Heyes | Read the full story
Cannibalism next? Socialism’s collapse of Venezuela now leading to citizens looting human corpses for anything that can be traded for foodBy Ethan Huff | Read the full story
Sponsor: Urgent: Don’t use probiotics before you see thisMore than luck: 565 M years ago, Earth was “on the verge of collapse”By Vicki Batts | Read the full story
Amazon to exit collapsing liberal “sanctuary city” Seattle as drug addiction, homelessness and high business taxes make the Leftist stronghold increasingly uninhabitableBy Ethan Huff | Read the full story
Sponsor: Organic, lab-verified storable food supply made completely without junk ingredients or GMOs.
Insanely dishonest “mainstream media” now pretending that Obama’s caging of migrant children was his humanitarian way of “protecting” themBy JD Heyes | Read the full story
Sponsor: Reap the benefits of two nutritional powerhouses with this Pure Microalgae Superfood Blend
Back in stock at the Health Ranger Store: Glyphosate-Tested Organic Hemp Seed Oil
Health Ranger Select Organic Hemp Seed Oil is the cleanest hemp seed oil we’ve ever sourced and we have meticulously lab-tested it for heavy metals, microbiology, and glyphosate. Since it’s derived only from the seeds, it contains no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Instead, it’s packed with minerals, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and more. Our premium-grade oil is vegan, non-GMO, non-China, and certified organic and Kosher.Learn More »
More of Today’s ArticlesProbiotics not only address digestive issues, they can also boost your heart health and strengthen your immune system
Are you getting your daily dose of probiotics? Many people think probiotics are only necessary after a round of antibiotic medication, but the truth is that you can benefit from probiotic and …Would you drink juice with arsenic and lead? Study shows 50 percent of juices tested contain toxic heavy metals
If the high sugar content isn’t enough to deter you from drinking juice – or giving it your children – you need to know that you could also be drinking something far worse: heavy metals. This is …THC vs. CBD: Understand the benefits of each to get the most out of medical marijuana
As the controversial issue of medical marijuana use is coming to a head in many states,now is also the time for people to understand its many uses and benefits. While some people believe that …
A quick and easy guide to understanding antioxidants – and why you benefit from them
Antioxidants protect cells and tissues from the harmful effects of toxic molecules called free radicals. In doing so, they help prevent the appearance of serious diseases that are connected to …
Why is Amazon still colluding with discredited “hate map” smear group SPLC?
A group known as Citizens for Corporate Accountability (CCA) has sent a letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos petitioning him to cut all ties with the corrupt Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and its …
U.K. government to roll out “Project Maggot”: Unusual treatment will clean the wounds of people in war zones like Syria and Yemen
The planning to send an odd but effective form of humanitarian aid to war-torn countries: Batches of sterile medical maggots that can naturally clean the wounds of patients by eliminating …
Instagram now labels pro-life speech “hate speech,” begins banning everything
Those who control and run the Facebook-owned Instagram app are on another binge censorship spree, as yet another conservative-leaning page has had some of its content censored for supposedly …
Boost your mood with these 10 natural supplements
Are you feeling down and depressed? Try taking one of these natural supplements to boost the serotonin levelsin your brain, thereby improving your mood and providing protection from the onset of …Curcumin found to be one of the best natural ways to alleviate depression
Curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric (Curcuma longa), is the closest thing that people have to a silver bullet. Studies have shown that it can be used to treat a laundry list of …This little-known relaxation technique is extremely effective at reducing stress
Stress is something that many people struggle with. It manifests itself in different forms of emotional discomfort accompanied by physical symptoms such as headache, chest pain, upset stomach, …The pointed gourd can lower your blood sugar, help you with cholesterol and prevent tumors, researchers find
Pointed gourd, scientifically known as Trichosanthes dioica, is one of the most commonly consumed vegetables in tropical countries around Asia, particularly in Bangladesh and India. But …
Study: Silica nanoparticles can help promote stem cell growth
The cells in your body all serve a very specific purpose, but stem cells are basic cells that have the power to become nearly any type of cell your body needs. Doctors and researchers alike have …
Study shows that vitamin D can help lower your risk of Type 2 diabetes
The prospect of developing type 2 diabetes is a frightening one given all that managing the disease entails. For many people, it will involve regular finger prick tests and a host of …
Can acupuncture improve PCOS?
To evaluate the efficacy of acupuncture in treating polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), researchers from Korea compiled and reviewed studies that involved randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of …Wild banana demonstrates significant potential as natural diabetes cure
In a study published in theJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, researchers from India evaluated the seeds of Musa balbisiana Colla. or wild banana – a species native to South Asia – …Sea bilberry is a powerful natural antidepressant due to its strong antioxidant properties
The antioxidant and antidepressant properties of the sea bilberry (Vaccinium bracteatum) could be linked to its ability to regulate cellular apoptosis caused by stress, suggested researchers …Decreased deep sleep linked to cognitive decline and early signs of Alzheimer’s, warn researchers
Have you been having problems getting enough deep sleep? A new study warned that people who suffer from changing sleeping patterns could already be experiencing the initial symptoms of cognitive …Natural TCM cures found to be effective in treating asthma
The person who coined the expression “stop and smell the roses” for enjoying life’s little things clearly hadn’t met a person suffering from asthma. This chronic condition, …Better together: Research suggests combining fenugreek seeds and garlic for better heart health
Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, which is why the importance of keeping the heart healthy has always been emphasized. Studies have shown that keeping your cholesterol level …Safflower seeds prevent kidney damage caused by chemotherapy
Safflower seed extracts can protect the kidneys from the adverse effects brought about by cisplatin treatment, according to a multi-university study in South Korea. Their findings appeared in The …

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