Calls For QE4 (This Will Cause Hyperinflation For Ordinary Americans to Pay)-ZIONIST POLICY TO THE MAXIMUM!
Yields, Dollar Slide As Trump Calls For QE4

by Tyler DurdenFri, 04/05/2019 – 17:15981SHARESTwitterFacebookRedditEmailPrint
Before any Fed officials get the idea that Friday’s stronger-than-expected headline jobs number (which, as we pointed out, actually masked signs of pervasive weakness in employment in wage growth) might justify raising interest rates again in the not-too-distant future, President Trump slammed the central bank during comments to a group of reporters in Washington.
Instead of sticking with its “pause”, Trump said the central bank should instead “drop” interest rates, something that markets have already priced in, adding that the central bank has “really slowed” the American economy.
Setting aside the cognitive dissonance between these comments and Trump’s repeated claims that the US economy is doing “really, really well” and that companies are preparing to announce that they’re “coming back” to the US…

Because economy is so strong6299:01 AM – Apr 5, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy281 people are talking about thisADVERTISING
…Trump’s comments show that he won’t let up the pressure on Jerome Powell after reportedly trying to replace him with Kevin Warsh, and declaring Powell one of the worst hires of his administration.
“I personally think the Fed should drop rates, I think they really slowed us down, there’s no inflation, in terms of quantitative tightening, it should really be quantitative easing…you would see a rocket ship. Despite that, we’re doing very well.”
On the subject of the US-China trade negotiations, Trump said he didn’t want to predict that a deal would happen, and defended his decision to tweet a video mocking Joe Biden’s history of inappropriately touching women, saying he didn’t see Biden as a threat. He also said he wouldn’t be attending the White House Correspondents dinner because it’s “too negative” and that he would be holding a rally instead.
Trump’s rate-cut comments were echoed by Larry Kudlow, one of his top economic advisors, who said during an interview Friday morning that the US economy “could do with a rate cut.”
Trump’s comments provoked and immediate response in yields and the dollar.

The administration’s calls for a rate cut come after the yield curve briefly inverted last month, which economists worry could portend a recession in the indeterminate future.
Of course, Trump didn’t always feel this way about the virtues of loose monetary policy.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
The Fed’s reckless policies of low interest and flooding the market with dollars needs to be stopped or we will face record inflation.5382:24 PM – Sep 29, 2011Twitter Ads info and privacy689 people are talking about this
Now that the president has officially started the conversation about QE4, how long until mainstream economists follow suit?
My Comment: I guess President Trump was compromised by MOSSAD ASSET Epstein at his Pedophile Paradise Island in the Caribbean.

Pedophile Paradise: Bill Clinton Named In Sleazy Sex Lawsuit
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